
New measures to limit the spread of COVID ….

[ad_1] The authorities are preparing new measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 since the number of new cases has exceeded 2,000 in several days, and in ATI the number of patients in serious condition is approaching 600. Therefore, would have decided that there will also be policemen who will …

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Romania has 4,000 remdesivir vials in storage

[ad_1] Health Minister Nelu Tătaru announced Tuesday night that there are 4,000 bottles of Remdesivir in warehouses, but it should not be seen as a “savings item”. Nelu Tătaru was asked, on Tuesday night, on TVR 1, if there are problems with the supply of Remdesivir. “At the beginning of …

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How Donald Trump Defeated Covid in 13 Moves on Twitter

[ad_1] Donald Trump has constructed a defiant rhetoric on pandemic restrictions after becoming infected with the new coronavirus, to show Americans that he is not weak and does not allow himself to be defeated even in the face of the dreaded Covid-19. For three days, after being found infected, the …

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