
Alexandru Rafila explained why Romania does not produce Remdesivir, although it has the capacity | News, News Romania | Freedom

[ad_1] Alexandru Rafila stated that he pushed for Remdesivir to be produced in Romania, but things stalled. “This problem (the production of Remdesivir in Romania) could also be solved in Romania. I personally helped establish a contact with a manufacturing company, several months ago,” said the Romanian representative at WHO …

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Catastrophic balance in Romania! Ludovic Orban and Nelu Tătaru seek solutions to motivate the involvement of family doctors – News from the sources

[ad_1] Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Saturday that together with Health Minister Nelu Tătaru, he is looking for solutions to motivate the participation of family doctors in monitoring the health of patients with mild forms of COVID-19. “I spoke with Minister Tataru. We are also looking for a solution …

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Protest against the mask in University Square, possible source of infection. The gendarmerie did not issue fines

[ad_1] More than 200 people protested on Saturday in the University Square against the restrictions imposed by the authorities. Without masks, without physical distance and violating the rule of public meetings in the conditions of the state of alert, mprotesters expressed dissatisfaction with subwayeasures taken by the authorities, denouncing meespecially …

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Nelu Tătaru, bad news: ‘We expect the number of cases to increase progressively in the next 2 weeks.’ What does it say about the criticisms of the HORECA representatives – News by sources

[ad_1] Health Minister Nelu Tătaru says the number of COVID-19 cases is expected to increase further in the next two weeks. “We expect the number of cases to increase progressively in the next 2 weeks, alternating with periods of stagnation. We have days with less tests, but that does not …

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