
Alexandru Scurtu, director of SIAS, explains why he forced the intervention by force in the Onești apartment where two workers were arrested and killed

[ad_1] As time passes, physiological needs arise, opportunities arise that we can take advantage of. From that eagerness to find the best operational moment, he was delayed in the negotiation. But it wasn’t much, as some say. Alexandru Scurtu: “There are crisis situations that are resolved in days, in which …

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Gheorghiță: We have requested the age increase for the AstraZeneca vaccine to 65 years / We are also considering the complete removal of the age threshold: Coronavirus

[ad_1] The coordinator of the national vaccination campaign, the military doctor Valeriu Gheorghiță, announced this Sunday, on Antena 3, that he asked the competent authorities to increase the age threshold to 65 years for the administration of the vaccine produced by the Anglo-Swedish company AstraZeneca. “I can say for the …

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