
Slobozia is in quarantine. Strong restrictions for 14 days

[ad_1] The Ialomiţa County Emergency Situations Committee decided, on Wednesday evening, as a result of the accelerated increase in the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the zonal quarantine of the Slobozia municipality from November 12 at 12.00 hours over a period of 14 days. , according to the information made …

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Family doctor found dead in his office. Tests showed that he was infected with SARS-CoV-2. DSP is looking for the last people you came into contact with

[ad_1] Announcement of shock made by the health authorities in Botosani. A 46-year-old family doctor who died Monday tested positive for COVID-19. The woman was found unconscious in her office, was examined and the result confirmed that she was infected. According to the director of the Botoşani Public Health Directorate …

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Subprefect Rareş Macrea announces that the quarantine of the Sibiu municipality is being taken into account – Coronavirus

[ad_1] Vice-prefect Rareş Macrea stated on Wednesday night that health authorities are considering quarantining Sibiu, as a result of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, according to Agerpres. TO UPDATE The Psychiatric Hospital „Dr. Gheorghe Preda ”of Sibiu becomes a COVID-19-support hospital, according to the decision on Wednesday …

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