
INTERVIEW Coordinator of the anti-COVID vaccination campaign in Romania: Vaccination will be free. Structures of the Army and MIA will participate in the distribution and transport of vaccines / When could vaccination begin – Coronavirus

[ad_1] The coordinator of the anti-COVID vaccination campaign in Romania, the military doctor Valeriu Gheorghiță, states, in an interview for, that the most optimistic scenario is that the first doses of vaccine will arrive in Romania at the end of December, and in most pessimistic scenarios, in the first …

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Alexandru Rafila warns the population not to take antibiotics to prevent COVID-19 infection – News by sources

[ad_1] Romania’s representative to the WHO, Alexandru Rafila, said on Thursday that the use of azithromycin had risen sharply, and that people were using antibiotics “indiscriminately” in an attempt to prevent infection with the new coronavirus or to treat COVID-19. . Also read: The Orban government increases Romania’s debt to …

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The surprise of the most recent opinion poll: Pro Romania grows to 8% and becomes the fourth political force. NLP and PSD almost the same – News by sources

[ad_1] Victor Ponta’s party becomes the fourth political force and the Romanian vote intention is growing. The latest opinion poll shows that PRO Romania has reached an electoral score of 8% and, thus, becoming the fourth political force, it will thus be able to condition a future government formula. See …

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