
The list of countries in the “yellow zone” has been modified. Quarantine, mandatory for those who come from areas of high epidemiological risk

[ad_1] The list of countries that Romania considers to be of high epidemiological risk was updated on Sunday night by the National Committee for Emergency Situations. People arriving in Romania from these countries, regions or territories included in the so-called “yellow zone” must be quarantined for 14 days. The CNSU …

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Varujan Vosganian on teacher who died after recall: ‘doctors’ statements raise big questions’ – Source news

[ad_1] Former Minister Varujan Vosganian believes that we are faced with two completely different attitudes from the authorities: the consequences of the epidemic are exaggerated, while the adverse effects of the vaccine are minimized. Also read: Unprecedented attack on Mircea Dinescu: ‘Ordinary Pusslama’ “Adriana Bunea, a teacher at Schiller High …

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Andrei Istrate’s change at UTA

[ad_1] The former great footballer believes that the change was caused by possible medical problems in Istrate. The rojiblancos striker stood out in the 38 minutes that were assigned to him and he passed the goal twice, which was also warned by Balint. Gabi Balint: “Istrate played very well in …

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Vaccinated people don’t have to panic

[ad_1] Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță, coordinator of the national vaccination campaign in Romania, stated in Digi24 that those who were vaccinated with the AstraZeneca group who arrived in the country do not have to panic, as there is no evidence to show a link between the vaccine. and adverse events reported …

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