
The College of Physicians is delimited by the message sent to the authorities by several doctors and pharmacists in relation to the restrictions and the fight against the pandemic / “Doctors who do not respect the rules will be identified and investigated” – Health

[ad_1] The Romanian College of Physicians announced that it is delimiting the message sent to the authorities by several doctors and pharmacists regarding the restrictions and the fight against the pandemic. The organization said that at least one of the doctors who appears to have signed the document claims that …

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Olivia Steer protests Crown Skeptics and makes shocking statements. A new anti-restriction march is scheduled for Saturday

[ad_1] Steer claims that COVID-19 infected patients die “suffocated and thirsty”, killed by “WHO criminal protocols” and “criminal complicity of frontline heroes” and urges protest. Steer also says that “pandemic governments are bribing the press with more than 200 million euros to induce feelings of irrational fear in the population, …

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