
How the economy moved in August. Real estate transactions have taken off, followed by construction. The big losers are still those in the entertainment and agriculture field – Finance & Banking

[ad_1] Agriculture, health and transport are the economic sectors that contracted the most in August compared to July, with business falling 46% in agriculture, 21% in health and 19% in the case of carriers, according to data from the SmartBill Barometer. According to data from the Barometer, only two sectors …

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George Burcea breaks the silence and talks about Andreea Bălan. “He dealt with strangling me at the police station. I’m leaving, I’m staying with my mother-in-law, she is leaving home ”| Entertainment, Monden | Freedom

[ad_1] “My wife took it upon herself to strangle me at the police station. People are free to believe and say whatever they want, just sometimes you know it hurts. It hurt a lot at first when I received thousands of messages in which people insulted me and wrote in …

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