
5 lucruri foarte enervante la mașinile moderne

[ad_1] Mașinile noastre sunt tot mai moderne. Dar sunt câteva dotări care demonstrează că modern nu înseamnă neapărat practic, bun sau frumos. Care sunt cele mai enervante 5 lucruri la mașinile moderne? PHOTO GALLERY Grilele uriașe inutile BMW X7 this câștigătorul în cursa mașinilor cu grile uriașe, give prezența unei …

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[ad_1] android It has an extremely important alert for hundreds of millions of phones worldwide, and that is because they are all in danger due to a very serious problem. Today’s alert for the Android operating system is related to one issued last week by the SRI, we are only …

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Is gold a good alternative to keep our savings in the future?

[ad_1] Optimism is beginning to return to investors and the population as the pandemic shows signs of a slowdown, and governments are beginning to implement plans to relax measures and reopen economies. Macroeconomic data has indicated the magnitude of the effects the virus will have on world economies, and even …

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LAST MINUTE OMV Petrom reports 43% profit in …

[ad_1] OMV Petrom, the largest oil and gas producer in Romania, reported a 43% decrease in net profits in the first quarter of the year, compared to the similar period in 2019, from 1,151 million lei to 653 million lei. In the hydrocarbon production segment, the operating result collapsed by …

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