
Video Exclusiv | “N-am văzut nici or poză cu ei, nici numele nu-l știu”. Ionuț Negoiță, dezvăluiri de la negocierile cu fondul de investiții spaniol

[ad_1] Fotbal Club (vineri, pray 17:30, Digi Sport one) Digi Sport Special (vineri, pray 19:30, Digi Sport 1) Patronul clubului din ”Ștefan cel Mare” dezvăluie că fondul de investiții iberic a dus până la extrem cerințele legate de confidențialitate, refuzând să prezinte un nume sau un extras de cont, prin …

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van Groningen, Raiffeisen Bank: In fact, we are not a democracy. We take certain things from a democracy: that whoever wins the elections, in the next 4 years will do what they want. This is not democracy – Finance and Banking

[ad_1] “We understand that this is a period of populism. I think there are other more important issues than the legislation dedicated to the banking system. We risk committing the crime because, for example, we have not passed legislation on money laundering. We will comply with this law ( of …

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Donald Trump does not want to know about his Chinese counterpart: he is thinking of breaking the trade agreement with China – News from sources

[ad_1] US President Donald Trump said Thursday he was “disappointed” by China, saying the current crisis caused by the pandemic affects the bilateral trade deal, the Reuters news agency reports, according to MEDIAFAX. “I am very disappointed with China. I should not have allowed this to happen. I have created …

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