
Romania Doesn’t Need The Circus PSD

[ad_1] The leader of the USR, Dan Barna, announced on his Facebook page that his party will not participate in the vote on the vote of no confidence. “Romania does not need the PSD circus”. “The PSD’s attempt to provoke a political crisis three months before the legislative elections is …

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Hungary and Ukraine close their borders …

[ad_1] UPDATE: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) states that it requested, through the Embassy of Budapest, clarifications on the decisions taken by the Hungarian authorities to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and on its impact on Romanians traveling to Hungary or they transit through the country, on their way to …

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ING are probleme: Clienții nu își pot accesa conturile – Stiri pe surse

[ad_1] Serviciul ING Home’Bank întâmpină erori de funcţionare pentru unii utilizatori, vineri după-amiaza, potrivit unui mesaj postat pe Facebook page a băncii. “Lucrăm la remedierea acestei situaţii şi vom reveni cu veşti. Celelalte servicii ING funcţionează în parametrii normali. Până rezolvăm situaţia, puteţi uses cardurile ING pentru a efectua plăţi …

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