
“You are a murderer … You are going to jail!” What is it like to be greeted at the office with “You haven’t been arrested yet?” instead of good morning?

[ad_1] The Financial Times journalist who revealed the Wirecard fraud talks about the threats, harassment and persecution he faced for 5 years in Germany’s biggest scandal, where investors lost 25 billion euros. The most interesting article I read this year (and as a job satisfaction) is about the history of …

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Rafila, attack on Tataru: If he had been Minister of Health, he would have traveled the country less, on work visits. I don’t think it’s time for business visits

[ad_1] Rafila also considers that the Public Health Directorates should have been reorganized in the summer, criticizing that at the national level “there are still directors of health departments who are not doctors or are doctors who have never had a relationship with this area in their lives. public health …

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