
MASKS sold in Romania, PUBLIC HAZARD: ANPC CONFISTS 31 million pieces – News from sources

[ad_1] The National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) controlled 504 economic operators, nationwide, who sold protective masks, finding deviations in 275 of them and stopping the sale, temporarily or permanently, of more than 31 million masks, according to Mediafax . . Also read: AN INCREDIBLE ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY from 1998 ELIMINATES coronavirus …

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PHOTO More than two million euros have been reduced to ashes in the fire that destroyed the old villa of Irinel Columbeanu. What the inside of the house looked like before

[ad_1] According to him, the only work of art that escaped the fire, because it collapsed in the pool, was the statue, signed by Sabin Bălaşa, located in the middle of the living room of the house. The villa and art objects were not insured. “Snagov’s house is very special …

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LIVE TEXT. Presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova. The first EXIT POLL survey. The DA platform demands resignations for “bad organization of the elections” / What Igor Dodon and Maia Sandu said

[ad_1] The first exit poll The current president of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, a pro-Russian politician, occupies the first place in the first round of the presidential elections, with 40.9% of the votes, followed by Maia Sandu, leader of the Action Party and Pro-European Solidarity (PAS). , shows …

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