
A man from Galaţi, sick with COVID-19, did his own Epidemiological Investigation. DSP called him when he came out of isolation News, News Romania | Freedom

[ad_1] Didel Bădărău told Facebook on November 10 that he tried to follow the procedure established by the authorities in the case of people infected with the SARS CoV-2 virus. The man called the Galati Public Health Directorate to inform the authorities that he had been infected with the new …

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“There is no action behind many online stores.”

[ad_1] Economic consultant Adrian Negrescu warns of binge drinking behavior during Black Friday-type “drinking holidays.”“Let’s be a little more responsible! Don’t believe everything online retailers say, that sales are going to increase, that they have very big discounts and so on because these are just a few tricks to attract …

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PROOF Ludovic Orban and Florin Cîțu Know Their Work: BNR Announces Q3 Recovery Above Expectations – Source News

[ad_1] The latest developments in high frequency indicators show a more consistent recovery of the economy in the third quarter than previously anticipated, although uneven from a sector perspective, reports the National Bank of Romania. “The latest developments in high-frequency indicators show a recovery of the economy in the third …

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