Cătălin Denciu, the doctor hero of the fire in Piatra Neamț, was dismissed


One month after the fire in the Neamț County Hospital Intensive Care Unit, as a result of which 10 people lost their lives, good news is coming from Brussels. Doctor Cătălin Denciu, who went into the flames for his patients, was debunked.

The day after the tragedy of Piatra Neamț, the doctor was transferred to the Military Hospital “Regina Astrid” in the Belgian capital with burns on 75% of surfaceyour body.

At this time, Belgian doctors managed to restore his right leg, but Cătălin Denciu still needs a lot of surgery because of the burns he has on the rest of his body and, sadly, the critical period has not yet passed, although at this time he is dying. Whenever he undergoes surgery he is intubated again, because they are very painful. As of Friday, he also began physiotherapy.

The burns suffered were quite serious, as when he entered the intensive care unit the protective equipment he was wearing caught fire.

His wife is in Belgium and is allowed to visit him almost daily. The Minister of Health keeps in touch with the family periodically to see if they need anything.

However, the doctor Cătălin Denciu will remain in the hospital in Belgium, most likely he will spend the winter holidays there.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
