CARDBOARD PACKAGING, hazardous to health. How I can …


The non-governmental organization Foodwatch fired Tuesday an alarm signal for chemical contamination of common foods, such as pasta or rice, from cartons and asked the competent authorities to impose new rules, writes

Hydrocarbon oils are found in widely consumed foods, such as pasta, lentils, cereals, crackers, or rice.Ingrid Kragl, director of communications for Foodwatch France, said at a press conference.

These oils contain toxic substances and the food industry must react by placing barriers between cartons and the content of food.“Kragl said, presenting a survey of 42 common products in France bought in various supermarkets.

According to Foodwatch, contamination of packaged foods with these “mineral oils” is due to several factors: recycled cardboard, cardboard not recycled, but contaminated by the external environment and the residues of lubricants in the machines during the manufacturing process.

However, recycled packaging remains one of the main sources of contamination.“This is explained by the accumulation of inks and other substances, such as solvents.

Two categories of oils are discussed: MOAH (aromatic mineral oil hydrocarbons), suspected of being carcinogenic and mutagenic, and MOSH (mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons). There is currently no regulation on the acceptable amounts of these mineral oils in food.

However, the European Health Agency (EFSA) said in a 2012 opinion that exposure to these substances through food is a “potential concern”.

Foodwatch requires setting thresholds for each substance and even zero tolerance for MOAH. The NGO, which is launching a petition in this regard, calls on producers to put “effective barriers” to prevent the phenomenon of “migration” from cardboard to food, concludes

Also read the words we must fear when we read them on food packaging
