CAP specialist who came to the board of directors of CFR Marfă, three days after AA was appointed advisor to a head of government | Politics, Freedom News


On March 5, the Ministry of Transport appointed Ghindici to the CFR Marfă Board of Directors, a term that was extended twice, most recently until January 2021.

The appointment came three days after the woman became an advisor to State Councilor Virgil Guran, a prominent NLP leader. Elena Ghindici’s resume shows multiple qualifications: owner of a butcher shop, director of a union of agricultural production cooperatives, employed at Transelectrica, and member of the Board of Directors of a manufacturer of munitions components.

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On September 1, during an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of SNTFM CFR Marfă, Ghindici was provisionally appointed by the Ministry of Transport, again, in the Board of Directors (CA), for a period valid until January 2021. Previously, also He held this position during March-July and July-September. Each temporary member of the Board receives a fixed gross monthly allowance of 2,790 lei.

Ghindici’s first appointment to CFR Marfă’s board of directors took place on March 5, three days after Constan Cona’s wife became an advisor to the state counselor for public order and citizen security, Virgil Guran. He is vice president of PNL and a close associate of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban.

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“Mr. Virgil Guran State Councilor needed a person to take care of communication, image and that is why I decided to help him on this side, as a councilor, being employed part-time. I am not a member of NLP, ”Ghindici declared.

In his Facebook account, Ghindici included in the list of “Acknowledgments” the names of several liberal leaders, as well as several NLP organizations in Bucharest, Constanța, but also Dâmbovița (where the leadership of the liberal organization is in the hands of Virgil Guran).

He joined the PSD government

Data corroborated by the March asset declaration, the Mercantile Registry and the media show that, in 2018, Ghindici replaced his former partner, a tobacco trading company in Constanța, which later changed the main object of activity to meat and products meat ”. Also during this period, she became CEO of National Union of Integrated Agricultural Production Cooperatives, an association that aims to promote local producers under the umbrella of a brand called “Mi País”.

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In this capacity, he also met with the then PSD Agriculture Minister, Petre Daea. Also in the PSD government, in mid-2019, Ghindici reached state companies in two positions: Transelectrica (where she was hired between July and December 2019; she did not mention the income collected in the March 2020 wealth declaration) and in The Board of Directors of Metrom SA Brașov (a subsidiary of the National Romarm Company), a manufacturer of ammunition components for weapons.

Ghindici had come there from the shareholder of the Ministry of Economy and had two terms: June-October 2019 and October 2019-January 2020. For the activity at Metrom, he mentioned income of 11,849 lei.

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“I worked for 2 years in the naval field, within the National Company for the Administration of Maritime Ports. For about a year and a half I have been working in the National Electricity Transmission Company, where I work within the Department of Public Relations and Institutional Communication, having responsibilities within the Department of Foreign Travel. I worked in the private sector, having managerial experience. I’m an economist, ”Ghindici said of the experiences that enabled her to fill the positions at Metrom SA and CFR Marfă.

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Photo: Facebook / Elena Ghindici

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