Candle, on the price for which they tried to sell Transilvania: “The PSD is concerned about the votes it can get in the period leading up to local elections” – News from the sources


The Interior Minister, Marcel Vela, considers that the tacit approval in the Chamber of Deputies of the bill on the autonomy of the Earth Szekler “was not a pure coincidence and is another proof that the PSD is concerned about political interests”, according to Agerpres.

Vela, who is also an NLP senator, said on Wednesday night, on a Realitatea Plus television program, that some parties are “more concerned about clandestine deals” and that they can “make political exchanges to the limit of the law “

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“From my point of view, the key was in the permanent offices of Parliament, permanent offices where the majority is controlled by PSD, ALDE and UDMR. My opinion is that they intended to approve this law tacitly, it was not a pure coincidence and it is another proof that the PSD is concerned with political interests, with the problems related to its electoral evolution in the end, with the votes it can take in the perspective of local and parliamentary elections, with the alliances it can make at the level of the local councils or county councils, because the contrary is not explained, in a period of maximum effort by all Romanians, the Government is involved in this war against the pandemic, some parties will be more concerned with clandestine agreements, I could say , for his electoral perspective, “said Marcel Vela.

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The Interior Minister said that “in a European vision, these autonomous and independent areas no longer have a place in the third millennium”, and emphasized that this approach “is only the argument by which certain UDMR political leaders are trying to enable the votes from a certain segment of the entire Hungarian population, so that they can take another term in the autumn. “

The Senate on Wednesday rejected, as a decision-making body, the draft law on the Statute of Autonomy of the Earth Szekler, which provided for it to become an autonomous region with legal personality. The senators voted by phone in favor of the rejection report prepared by the Administrative Commission: 126 votes “in favor” and 9 “against”.
