Can you imagine a teacher without a computer and going to school? He exists. Do you know who he is?


Cristian Tudor Popescu commented on Digi24 about the request of a teachers union to receive more radiation in the context of the online school. The journalist criticizes the initiative and says that “radiation from a computer screen is no more dangerous than the electromagnetic radiation from a phone that all teachers have. “. CTP also disapproves of the attitude of some teachers who do not agree with online class registration. “Well, do you take courses paid for by the state, in state facilities and claim that the time it is taking cannot be recorded? Is it your personal property?” Cristian Tudor Popescu asks rhetorically.

Cristian Tudor Popescu: “The education system in Romania, as well as the health system, have big problems, not now because of the pandemic. They have it beforehand, of course. Of course the teachers have low salaries, of course there are so many schools given for example gloomy with bathrooms in the courtyard, with cold in the classrooms … we know all this, with the transport of students and so on.

So some teachers, not some governors, not from the ministry, no, some professors from the department, who work with students, claim through this federation of free unions in education, now they demand an increase in computers.

That if you work with students online, get a computing boost. Do you know the logical consequence of this request?

It turns out that the teachers have not dealt with the computer until now. Can you imagine a teacher in Romania in 2010-2020 who does not spend an hour, two, three a day in front of a computer to train, to be up to date with everything that is evolving in the discipline he teaches?

Can you imagine a teacher without a computer and going to school?

Yes, there is. Do you know who he is? He’s the one his kids make fun of, I laugh at him. Why? Because I’m ahead of them, because they know some things, and I know them better “up to date”, I know them up to date, I talk to each other, because they know how to work with the computer.

And the one who comes to do the time, and who does not even know how to open a computer, makes fun of himself, because he is overwhelmed by not having access to this new technology. Who is the teacher? He is the one who now refuses to work online. Why? Because you don’t know, first of all. Why are they refusing to register their classes online? What do you mean? How dare you ask for that? Well, you take courses paid for by the state, out of the budget, at state facilities, at school and claim that the time you are taking cannot be recorded? Is it your personal property? What are you talking about, sir?the?

A teacher who would have used the computer in a natural way in his training, so as not to teach online before the pandemic, when that was not the case, what increase to ask for?

If you want money, ask for higher wages, directly. This is an old impulse, from 25 years ago. Do you know when it is? When PCs appeared and spread in the 90s in Romania, the old ones had cathode ray tubes, like the television, they were big … And there is radiation there, but also, it is below the level of danger for humans .

In any case, the radiation from a computer screen is no more dangerous than the electromagnetic radiation from the phone that all teachers have! “

Teachers ask for extra money for online classes. Claim the risk of “radiation”

Teachers are exposed to risks during online classes and must be financially rewarded. This is what an education union says, which has asked the Government for more … radiation. The application does not speak of students taking the same classes online, nor does it take into account the fact that modern monitors do not emit radiation.

Education has moved online, but not only students are struggling, but teachers too. But not all teachers see problems at the same time.
