Camp Road Subway: Does the countdown start until it opens? Possible delay due to VIDEO fire hydrants


A video featuring the new subway line, posted on YouTube on September 9, has caused controversy among infrastructure enthusiasts on the Light Metro Association forum.

While some are confident that the opening hours are approaching, others are of the opinion that Sunday’s deadline cannot be met, as it appeared online. And this is because a problem with the hydrants in the tunnels could not be solved in just two days, to obtain the approval of the Inspection of Emergency Situations (ISU).

One of the forum users listed a total of five issues after viewing recently posted images.

“1. The technology gap in the gallery near the intersection of the boulevard with Valea Ialomiței is not yet blocked, so I wonder if there will be frames with passengers for V. Ialomiței;
2. There is still work to be done on the skating rink, untied cables can be seen in the tunnel and the lighting in the ventilation gallery does not appear to be functional either;
3. There are strong infiltrations in the connection area of ​​the tunnels with the gallery next to the Heroes, exactly in the area where the collapse occurred;
4. At Eroilor 2 they still have work to do on finishes and escalators;
5. Last but not least, from what I understand, the problem with hydrants relates to hydrants in tunnels. There are dozens or hundreds of fire hydrants that should be modified and they cannot do it in just two days. In addition, I see that they have installed the drums, but the hoses on duty are missing ”, comments Adrián Roșca, user of Metro Ușor.

In the online arena, several journalists from the transportation arena reported, citing “safe sources,” that the Camp Road Subway will be opened on Sunday or no later than September 15.

Metro line 5, Râul Doamnei – Eroilor Section (PS Opera), including Valea Ialomiţei, will be almost 7 kilometers long and consists of 10 metro stations and a depot (Râul Doamnei, Constantin Brâncuşi, Valea Ialomiţei, Romancierilor, Parc Drumul Camp, Tudor Vladimirescu, Favorite, Horizon, Military Academy, Heroes 2).

The value of the Drumul Taberei-Eroilor metro project is 3.4 billion lei. With the inauguration of this section of the M5, the Capital will reach 78 kilometers of network and 63 metro stations.

Highway 5 is made up of three sections: Eroilor – Râul Doamnei, Eroilor – Iancului, respectively Iancului – Pantelimon.

VIDEO: M5 Highway Valea Ialomiței – Eroilor (Source: Ștefan Roșeanu)

