Business report: Whoever promises tax cuts, sells illusions. How many thousand euros does a minute of television promotion cost for games? Blue Air is targeting the real estate market through a great project. Labor shortage. What the parties propose – Finance and banking


Fiscal-budgetary policy: developments and priorities for the coming years ● How many thousand euros does a minute of television promotion cost for the holidays? ● National Recovery and Resilience Plan: more than 250 km of highway and highway, 140 km of modernized railway and 7 km by metro ● Blue Air is preparing to enter the real estate market through a grandiose project ● Funds for companies: Measure 3 – up to 200,000 euros and Electric-Up – up to 100,000 euros, probably this week ● X-ray of an unsolvable problem: labor shortage. What the parties propose ● The crisis will be felt strongly in 2021 ● What are the possibilities of the “revolution” of electric transport. Electric car models that guarantee the best price-travel ratio ● Health Pulse: In Romania, 38 CT, MRI and PET are performed annually for every 1,000 inhabitants. EU average – 204

Fiscal-budgetary policy: evolutions and priorities for the coming years. The proposals / intentions for significant additional increases in budgetary expenditures and / or potential tax and duty reductions in the coming years do not correspond to the reality of the figures, being in total contradiction with the rigor of fiscal consolidation. In fact, if we don’t prove that we have a clear and credible fiscal consolidation plan after the elections, we will likely lose the investment rating that we still have. How do we increase the level of tax collection? In no case should we increase taxes and tariffs, this being the sure recipe to prolong the economic recession. The problem is mainly collection, the weak tax administration system in Romania is obviously a problem, and the successful example of countries like Poland and Bulgaria in terms of tax administration reform shows that it can significantly improve tax collection and rights. mainly by digitization. This is the direction we must go. About 2% of extra GDP can be contributed to the budget over a 2-3 year horizon through determined efforts to digitize the fiscal administration. Second, the Romanian tax system must be reviewed and restored fairly, without increasing the standard tax level. At the same time, it must be said bluntly: tax cuts are not possible. Who promises tax cuts, sells illusions, writes Ionuț Dumitru in Ziarul Finance.
How many thousand euros does a minute of promotion on television for matches cost?. A party has to pay tens of thousands of euros to a television channel if it wants a candidate to be present on an electoral program. The parties have the right in the campaign to buy space for television broadcasts in order to promote their electoral offer. According to the decision of the National Audiovisual Council, the rates per broadcast and per unit of time will be the same for all competitors. In the parliamentary campaign, the sums demanded by the televisions exceeded 100,000 euros for an hour of electoral broadcast in which a candidate participates. Free Europe has tried to find out the exact amounts demanded by private party televisions, under what conditions these amounts are paid and for what. For example, the local campaign was three times more expensive than in 2016, given that it was a difficult economic year, and the coronavirus pandemic made large important political events impossible. It should be noted that public television, TVR, does not charge a fee for electoral promotion, according to Free Europe.

National Recovery and Resilience Plan: more than 250 km of motorway and highway, 140 km of modernized railroad and 7 km by metro. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) foresees an endowment of 9.3 billion euros for Transport. With these funds, projects of more than 250 km of motorway and highway, 140 km of railroad, 7 km of subway would be executed, and 39 trains for the railway and 50 subways would be purchased. The Ministry of European Funds (MFE) published this Monday on its website the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, a document of more than 200 pages, which it withdrew soon after. However, we were able to see what the government wanted or would like to finance with that plan. The PNRR allocation for transport is € 9.3 billion, the amount that is allocated for the construction and modernization of infrastructure and the purchase of rolling stock. write

Blue Air is preparing to enter the real estate market through a great project. The low-cost airline Blue Air will enter the real estate market through a large project, with a training center, offices, hotel and housing, valued at more than 100 million euros and located near the Băneasa Forest, Bucharest. For now, the investment is postponed due to the pandemic, according to information obtained by The land, with an area of ​​approximately 9.4 hectares, in which there is an acacia forest, was brought to the Blue Air group by a special company, Blue Air Investiții. The plan is to build buildings with mixed functions: hotel, offices, housing and commerce, with heights of 9 and 11 floors, writes
Funds for companies: Measure 3 – up to 200,000 euros and Electric-Up – up to 100,000 euros, probably this week. The Minister of Economy declared, this Monday afternoon, that he wants to launch two lines of financing with a total value of 650 million euros for companies, this week: Measure 3 of state aid to investments, of 50,000-200,000 euros , respectively, the Electric-Up program – financing of 100,000 euros for the installation of solar panels and charging stations for electric cars. “This week I want to open Measure 3, investment, where there will be no order of arrival. The investment scheme will probably be open for 90 days, because there will have to be a project, a feasibility study and we will not rush people. And, as We do it, monthly, we will evaluate the projects presented and we will actually start the payments after the evaluation. The same principle will be for all European funds, all budget funds that we will manage through the Ministry of Economy, without direct interaction between the employer and the ministry, to eliminate any suspicion “- said, on Realitatea TV, Virgil Popescu, in the electoral campaign. for parliamentarians, write

X-ray of an unsolvable problem: labor shortage. What the parties propose. In the electoral campaign, the parties put forward proposals to revitalize the economy, but none seem prepared for the changes brought about by the pandemic and they do not have clear solutions to solve the labor shortage, a serious problem that Romania has been fighting for many years. Simona Muntele is 32 years old and in early 2018 she decided to move from Bucharest to Amsterdam. He had a secure job at a multinational IT company in the capital, and leaving the country was not on his priority list until then, especially since IT professionals are among the highest paid employees in the country. “Those who work in the field of IT and technology do not go for the money, they look for something else,” he confesses, who assures that he has not found himself in the society in which he lived. “First it was the Colectiv tragedy, then the protests against the PSD in 2017,” the young woman explains. This is how she and her husband went to Holland. “I did not leave for economic reasons, but because I no longer bear corruption, not only from politicians, because I don’t interact with them every day. I was depressed when I went out to these protests to see people from my generation, whom I respect, who did not think that corruption affects you anyway and who were not even outraged by something that is not normal, “she argues. , according to Free Europe.

The crisis will be felt strongly in 2021: rising unemployment, depreciation of the leu and rising prices. The Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator of the CFA Romania Association decreased in October compared to the previous month by 2.3 points to 32.1 points (compared to the same month of the previous year, the Indicator decreased by 22.4 points). This evolution was due to the current conditions component of the indicator. Thus, the Current Conditions Indicator decreased, compared to the previous month by 13.2 points, to 19.9 points (compared to the same month of the previous year, the Current Conditions Indicator decreased by 45.2 points). The Anticipation Indicator increased by 3.2 points compared to the previous month, to the value of 38.2 points (compared to the same month of the previous year, the Anticipation Indicator decreased by 11.0 points). Regarding the EUR / RON exchange rate, all survey participants anticipate a depreciation of the leu in the next 12 months (compared to the current value). Thus, the average value of the forecasts for the 6-month horizon is 4.9398, while for the 12-month horizon the average value of the forecasted exchange rate is 5.0102 lei per euro, write the truth.
What are the possibilities of achieving the “revolution” of electric transport. What are the electric car models that offer the best price-for-range ratio?. Although at this time growing concerns about climate change appear to be somewhat overshadowed by developments in the pandemic, the global transition to electric vehicles is still in full swing. Experts say that by 2040, electric vehicle sales are expected to account for 58% of new car sales, up from just 2.7% today. But the transition from a conventional fuel to an electric car is not without its problems. Given the charging capacity and autonomy, as well as the slow-growing supporting infrastructure in many parts of the world, understanding all elements of electricity transmission is very important. write FinEco24News.
Pulse of health: in Romania, 38 CT, MRI and PET studies are performed every year for every 1,000 inhabitants. EU average – 204, Austria and France – 330 and 324 respectively. Romania has a rate of use of imaging technologies 5.4 times lower than the EU average: 38 CT, MRI and PET per 1000 inhabitants, compared to 204 investigations of this type carried out per thousand citizens. in 2018, according to a report by the European Commission. The Health at a Glance: Europe 2020 report is the result of collaboration between the OECD and the European Commission on various health issues, as part of the cycle The State of Health in the EU. Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) are imaging technologies necessary for correct diagnosis and effective treatment, so that any investment in such equipment is quickly reflected in the improvement of health system indicators. type See also: “Romania über alles” – – The interests of the Romanian economy in the EU in the decade that will change the world. Summary no. 92 of the CRÓNICAS Governance Course
