Business report: the son, daughter and son-in-law of the Vice President of the Court of Accounts Niculae Bădălău do business with the state. ASF loses judgments on tape and its decisions remain up in the air. The attempts of Nicusor Dan. How to Find Your Way When Nothing Works – Finance and Banking


The son, daughter and son-in-law of the Vice President of the Court of Accounts Niculae Bădălău do business with the state, and the PSD members also verify the contracts. ● What Nicușor Dan faces in the City Hall of the capital: traffic, public transport, district heating, hospitals. ● How does it find its way when nothing works ● ANAT: Although tourism has high hopes for working capital grants, there will be very few beneficiaries ● ASF loses lawsuits and its decisions remain up in the air ● Ban behind progressive redistribution of resources ” rich “is by far the worst decision ● Eurostat data: Romania mismanaged the good times, but performed when the knife struck the bone ● Rural tourism avoiders, the big winners of the pandemic. Tourists complicit in crimes ● Seizures and forced executions that took place before tax facilities go into effect on Tuesday ● Standard and Poor`s give Italy a breather with surprising improvement in rating outlook

The son, daughter and son-in-law of the Vice President of the Court of Accounts Niculae Bădălău do business with the state and contracts are also verified by PSD members.. A high-ranking leader of Romania’s largest and most important institution that verifies the way public money is spent, former Senator Niculae Bădălău, current Vice President of the Court of Accounts, has the entire family involved in monetary contracts with the state Romanian. One of the poorest and most underdeveloped counties in Romania, Giurgiu County, struggles to attract European funds, in the midst of a pandemic, for the expansion of the hospital in Bolintin-Vale, a small provincial town. However, the money, approximately 1,300,000 euros, reaches a company that, after years of inactivity, ends up winning tough contracts with the town councils of the region, after a young graduate from the University’s Faculty of Economics settles in your direction. “Spiru Haret”: Răzvan-Alexandru Marica, writes Freedom.

What Nicușor Dan Faces at City Hall: Traffic, Public Transport, District Heating, Hospitals. He defeated Gabriela Firea by a difference of 32,000 votes and became mayor of Bucharest. Now comes the hard part. The capital is a difficult city to manage, with many failures accumulated in 30 years. Gabriela Firea’s mandate deepened the crisis even more. The crisis of a capital that looks less and less like the European one.

Traffic, pollution, lack of parking, lack of hot water and heating are some of the urgent problems for the residents of Bucharest, for whom he expects quick solutions from the new mayor Nicușor Dan. The coronavirus pandemic also endangered the hospitals subordinate to the City Council, which had already been disastrously managed by relatives of Gabriela Firea. writes Newsweek.
Florin Stoian. How do you find your way when nothing works? Florin Stoian had his first experience as an entrepreneur at the age of 20 or so. It was a noisy judgment, costing the house and many years of work to pay off the debts. But it taught him not to get into things he did not know and not to worry about something he had not done himself. He learned his lesson and moved on. Florin’s favorite question is “how can we change this industry?” He is one of the entrepreneurs who “invented” taxi platforms in Romania, immediately after the 2009 crisis. He is a co-founder of Star Taxi and a similar business in Saudi Arabia. A strange experience for a young man of 30 years, to receive a million dollars in his account and the freedom to build a business on the other side of the world. An ending he did not like very much: the religious norms and restrictions of the Arab world limited the adventure to only two years. He sold and invested everything in two ideas: an integrated food delivery platform (Yellow Menu) and a home rental platform (Milluu). Florin believes, and this is his strategy, that you have to find difficult bets and off-road paths. On the beaten track you can no longer find diamonds. He has worked, in the last ten years, in three larger and less modernized industries: transportation, food, real estate. If you can change something, “cut a piece” of a mammoth like this, you can do something really extraordinary, he thinks. Andreea Roșca writes on her blog.

ANAT: Although tourism has high hopes for working capital grants, there will be very few beneficiaries. Repair measures are needed. The National Association of Travel Agents (ANAT) says that while the entire industry has high hopes for working capital grants, there will be very few beneficiaries and remedial action is needed. The ANAT warns that in the case of travel agencies, where there are several ways to highlight billing, the establishment of a single calculation criterion for the granting of labor aid is unfair. More than 90% of travel agencies highlight the invoicing at the margin value and not the total value of the invoicing made in a financial year. write the truth.

Pension and insurance arbitrator, overwhelmed by lawsuits. ASF loses on the tape and its decisions are left up in the air. There are millions of Romanians in the middle. Almost all the decisions made by the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority in recent years have been challenged in court and, at least in terms of insurance and especially in the last 2-3 years, the appellants have obtained, totally or partially , a victory. Transposed to the market, all these lost processes, even partially or temporarily, make ASF practically lose its ability to supervise, control and avoid situations in which companies no longer comply with current legislation, especially with regard to payment. Of Damage. , capital adequacy and reserves. In addition, ASF employees themselves in the control area are threatened with complaints or even prosecuted by those they control, without the ASF being able to provide them with legal advice. notes

The rich are not bad. On the contrary. The illegality behind the progressive redistribution of “rich” resources is by far the worst decision. The world we live in is cruel and unfair. We are not all equal. Some are taller, some are shorter. Some are fatter, some are weaker. Some are smarter, others slower in mind. Some were born further north, others more in the center. However, the most unjust inequality that we have to deal with is between the “poor” and the “rich.” Two concepts absolutely taken from the hat. With nothing economic behind. But with many rights for some (those considered “poor”) and obligations for others (those considered “rich”). Classification is the prerogative of politics, not economics. It has nothing economic behind it. You will see why says Cristian Păun in

Eurostat data: Romania mishandled good periods, but performed when the knife hit the bone. Romania had in the second quarter of 2020 the fourth lowest increase in public debt relative to GDP among EU Member States compared to the previous quarter, but it was on the EU average if the data is compared with the same quarter of the previous year, according to published data. from Eurostat. The explanation lies in the fact that we were European champions assigned to the budget deficit in the quarters prior to the pandemic, after which, despite the good management of public finances in crisis, the result could only be improved at the level of decline middle of the pandemic. The EU in crisis. In which we had to borrow, like all other European states. But not only because of the situation that arose, but also because of the obligations that we had faced previously, when we did not know that the crisis would come. Which, on the one hand, is even more remarkable the result of the second quarter of 2020, but on the other hand it draws our attention not to force additional social spending, according to

Evasionists of rural tourism, the great winners of the pandemic. Tourists, accomplices of crime. Rural tourism was the big winner in 2020, as the rest of the sectors of this industry suffered a severe blow. However, in this sector, the biggest winners were those with unregistered pensions, who shirked, says tourism consultant Traian Badulescu. It states that, nationwide, the accommodation capacity, from the smallest units to the largest, is almost 400,000 beds. Of these, the specialist estimates that around 50,000 are in rural tourism and are tax-free, type
The seizures and forced executions that were in progress before the fiscal facilities came into effect on Tuesday. From March until now, some companies have been exempted from certain payments to the state, but as of Tuesday, the seizures and forced executions, which were in progress before the fiscal facilities, take effect. Those who do not have the money to pay their debts can resort to a possible simplified payment rescheduling. On Monday, the relationship of companies with the Tax Agency returned to normal, after, in March, some companies in Romania were exempted from certain debts with the State, due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus.
During this period, the companies that did not pay their obligations with the Tax Agency were not sanctioned with sanctions or forced execution. The seizures and forced executions, which were in progress before the application of these fiscal facilities, will take effect on Tuesday, writes Ziarul Finance.

Standard and Poor`s gives Italy a break with a surprising improvement in its rating outlook. Financial rating agency Standard and Poor’s (S&P) has improved the outlook for Italy’s sovereign rating from negative to stable, offering unexpected good news for the eurozone’s third-largest economy, Bloomberg and Reuters reported. S&P also confirmed Italy’s long-term credit rating at “BBB”, two steps above the “junk” category (not recommended for investment), while the short-term rating remained at “A-2”. Italy’s rating outlook balances the negative consequences of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) on public finances with the purchase of bonds and the expansionary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), according to S&P. Despite the deep recession and significant debt, Italy’s borrowing costs are at an all-time low, thanks to the ECB’s massive bond-buying program to support the eurozone economy. writes
