Business report: Romania imports a million tons of reinforced concrete, that is, 100% of what is necessary. Labor inspection controls: what aspects will the inspectors address. You earn better in the state than in the private sector. How do we balance? – Finance and banking


The construction boom in Romania shakes neighboring factories: we import a million tons of steel-concrete, that is, 100% of what is necessary ● Steven van Groningen retires from his position at the Property Fund ● Labor inspection controls: what will inspectors address in the last quarter of 2020 ● Why Romanians cry after pension increase by 40% ● The 5G auction is highly unlikely to take place this year ● His Eminence Theodosius, in an advertisement for a private place that organizes memorials: “It is a great thing to have a place to make alms in peace” ● Romania needs a vision of the country. How can we have it? ● How BNR analysts see the crisis of 2008 and the current one in the mirror ● Romania, the paradox of Europe: It is better to win the state than the private. How do we balance? ● Would Romanian money managers open the champagne when the COVID-19 vaccine appears?

The construction boom in Romania makes neighboring factories roar: we import a million tons of steel-concrete, that is, 100% of what is necessary. Two contradictory phenomena occur during the development of an economic sector vital for development: on the one hand we have the boom in the construction sector – an increase of 8% in the midst of the pandemic, while the economy contracts 4.6%; On the other hand, we import 100% of the necessary steel-concrete used in construction, although 10 years ago we imported only 20% of the necessary. As is the case of bitumen, which will have to be imported 95% under the recovery plan for the major road infrastructure, and in the case of steel for concrete, we will also have to resort to the production of neighboring states in the case of the construction, write

Steven van Groningen, Chairman and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank, is retiring from his positions on the Board of Nominees and Advisory Committees of Fondul Proprietatea as of November 13. Fondul Proprietatea announced this Wednesday on the Stock Exchange that Steven van Groningen, president and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank, has decided to resign from his positions on the Board of Nominees and on the FP Advisory Committees as of November 13 2020. “Franklin Templeton International Services SARL, in as administrator of the alternative investment fund and sole administrator (” Fund Manager “) of Fondul Proprietatea SA (” Fund “), informs investors that Mr. Steven van Groningen decided to leave his position on the Board of Nominees (“the Committee”) and on the Fund’s Advisory Committees. The effective date of the resignation is November 13, 2020 ”, is shown in a report to the Stock Exchange. cited by Ziarul Financiar.

Labor inspection controls: what aspects will inspectors address in the last quarter of 2020. The thematic controls of the Labor Inspectorate for the period October – December 2020 will address issues related to undeclared work and, in particular, the presence of the phenomenon in the medical field (offices, clinics and hospitals), labor relations in the education, protection of workers on construction sites, workers over 60 in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and beyond. In addition, the inspectors are expected to focus on specific issues related to measures imposed in the context of the epidemic for the protection of employees. type

Why are Romanians crying after the 40% increase in pensions? Of the more than 5,136 million retirees in Romania, 80%, that is, more than 4.1 million of them, do not have a pension that allows them to obtain at least the minimum consumption basket for a decent life. To give you an idea of ​​what this means, in September 2019, the minimum consumption basket for a family with two adults and two children was almost 7,000 lei (more precisely 6,954 lei), according to FES / Sydex Romania and ICCV . . On the other hand, for two people, it is 4,262 lei, and for a single adult, the minimum consumption basket is 2,621 lei, type

CCR: The modifications introduced by Parliament to the Competition Law are constitutional. Competition Council: Violates European law.The Constitutional Court rejected this Wednesday, by majority vote, the allegations of USR, PNL and President Klaus Iohannis on a series of amendments to the Competition Law as unfounded. Therefore, the normative act adopted by Parliament is constitutional. Instead, the president of the Competition Council claims that these changes violate European law, write

“It is highly unlikely that the 5G auction will take place this year.”It is highly unlikely that the tender for the implementation of 5G technology will take place this year, Bogdan Chiriţoiu, president of the Competition Council, told us. According to him, we still do not have the necessary conditions to ensure a tender that leads to what the authorities want: good quality and low prices. Bogdan Chiriţoiu explained to us that the novelty in this process is the concern for national security. Furthermore, the 5G network is much denser than current networks and many more poles and many more antennas are needed, which means very high costs. Last but not least, there is uncertainty about Telekom, which is in talks with various operators to sell its operations. Until all these issues are resolved, it is not recommended that the auction be carried out, concluded the head of the Competition Council in a interview granted for

His Eminence Theodosius, in an advertisement for a private place that organizes memorials: “It is a great thing to have a place to make alms in peace.” BOR reaction. “First of all, it is not an advertisement. A space is exclusively intended, as His Holiness says, to hold specific memorial services of Orthodoxy, a space that is provided by an owner who has a restaurant. It is close to the church and wanted make that space available to the church. Take it as a public service announcement, it is not an announcement, because the church has no way of advertising its own services. There is no contract, God forbid! The man donated the space, made it available for free. This space was made available for free for monuments only, that’s what High One says quite clearly. So it’s not the restaurant space anymore, that’s not understood. If people come , do the funeral as you want, “said the spokesman for the Archdiocese of Tomis., cited by

Is Romania under the influence of erudite impotence? Romania needs a vision of the country. How can we have it? Companies are increasingly talking about the importance of setting a vision. This objective that transcends the immediate interests of the company and to which the company seeks to contribute by following its own mission. This process is increasingly recognized as important because it inspires more leaders and the entire team, giving them the courage to address challenges and the conviction that they have an important contribution to make.
Probably the best known analogy is that of the 3 stonecutters who were asked by a traveler what they do. Their answers were: The first, who worked halfway, answered anemically: “Cut the stone.” The second said categorically: “I am working to earn money.” The third, who worked with obvious dedication, replied: “I am building a cathedral!” write

How BNR analysts see in the mirror the crisis of 2008 and the one we are going through now, respectively. A suggestive image of the way in which economies reacted to the shocks of crises can be made by reading the ideas and analyzes of the Central Bank specialists, always relevant and to the point. The second quarter of 2020 was a period full of challenges for the Romanian economy, characterized by deep declines unprecedented in the last 25 years. Unlike previous crises, the recession was caused by SARS-VOC-2, an invisible enemy, placed outside the sphere of action of economic forces, according to a recent Analysis Report by NBR specialists, cited by

The state dominates the top 30 companies where most people work in 2019. Poşta has been the leader in the ranking for four years Poşta Română, CFR, Romsilva, Profi and Automobile Dacia are the companies that have the most employees in our country in 2019, according to a statistic prepared by based on data obtained from the National Office of Commercial Registry (ONRC). The only companies in Romania with more than 20,000 employees in 2019 are Correos and CFR, the data shows. analyzed by

Romania, the paradox of Europe: It is better to win the state than the private. How do we balance? The National Institute of Statistics analyzed in detail the data related to October 2018. Thus, the study shows that, in companies with at least 10 employees belonging to the public sector, the average gross salary was 5,802 lei / month. We are talking about a value higher than the national average of 1208 lei. In comparison, in the private sector, average monthly gross income is below the national average of 455 lei. In the vast majority of European countries, the trend is the opposite: they earn more in the private sector. Economist Mircea Coșea explains that it is good that state wages follow an upward trend. However, the assessment of public servants must be accompanied by this trend. In addition, the restructuring of the budget apparatus. Politicians, however, always have other priorities, says Mircea Coșea, cited by

Would Romanian money managers open the champagne when the COVID-19 vaccine appears?
The appearance of a vaccine of proven efficacy against the new coronavirus (COVID-19), undoubtedly a socially and economically positive factor, would not automatically lead to an explosion of optimism on the stock markets, with Romanian investment fund managers being reserved about their effects. on the share price. “The entire market and all investors are waiting for a vaccine. The vaccine will be welcome, especially to improve market investor sentiment. However, it is worth mentioning that the stock markets are not behaving exactly negatively today, after the first months of the pandemic registering even the fastest recovery in the last 50 years, ”said Aurel Bernat, CEO of BT Asset Management . according to
