Business report EU experts urge Vlad Voiculescu to reduce “informal payments”. The secret of the Coca-Cola, Fanta and Pepsi bottles. A new scandal in Apele Române. The paradox of the banknotes. How to calculate pensions and how they relate to the median salary – Finance and banking


EU experts urge Vlad Voiculescu to reduce “informal payments” in the medical system The secret of the Coca-Cola, Fanta and Pepsi bottles. What they contain according to the country where they are sold A new scandal in Apele Române: money was transferred to the institution at the expense of profitable companies In Eastern Europe, it is difficult for a central bank to remain independent, especially when the government takes out cheap loans. How pensions are calculated and how they relate to the median salary The paradox of banknotes Romania, in second place in the EU in fertility rate, but with a downward trend in the number of children I rejected Marx’s work after studying it with pencil in hand. Project: Doctors from COVID-19 hospitals will be able to benefit from intervention housing Who will visit Romania in summer? Solutions for Romanian tourism.

EU experts urge Vlad Voiculescu to reduce “informal payments” in the medical system. European experts ask Vlad Voiculescu to reduce “informal payments”, according to a working document of the European Commission, in dialogue with the Romanian authorities for the preparation of the National Plan for Resilience and Recovery (PNRR). The final document has not been submitted. The document of the European Commission experts comes as a response to the second variant of the PNRR, the health component, sent to Brussels by the Romanian authorities on March 1.

In Reform 3, the ministry proposes, among other things, “Review of the performance framework on the use of public funds for health (both the budget of the Ministry of Health and UNFPA) and the introduction of related monitoring systems (in mostly digital) for budget management “, writes Newsweek.

The secret of the Coca-Cola, Fanta and Pepsi bottles. What they contain according to the country where they are sold. Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fanta, three of the most consumed soft drinks in the world, have different ingredients depending on the state of the EU where they are placed on the shelf. Some have additional ingredients and others have extremely different concentrations of a particular ingredient. A Fanta in Italy has twice the orange juice compared to the same Fanta in Germany, and Coca-Cola is not made with tap water in Estonia. According to the Member State of supply, consumers have noticed differences between the Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola or Fanta they consume, according to a study by the Joint Research Center (JRC), the institution that conducts scientific research for the European Commission, writes

Over 200 companies, entrepreneurs and artists, including Electric Castle Festival, Untold / Neversea, Global Records, Tudor Chirilă, Adrian Despot, have joined in and are asking Iohannis to speak “until it’s too late”.. Over 200 entrepreneurs and artists, including representatives from Electric Castle Festival, Untold / Neversea, Global Records, as well as artists Tudor Chirilă and Adrian Despot, joined in and sent a letter to President Klaus Iohannis, seen by Profit. Ro, urging them to intensify the implementation of a state aid scheme and a plan to reopen the cultural sector “until it is too late”, while stating that the cultural sector has never been a priority in the last 30 years. for years in the country’s development plans, although it contributed between 1.5% and 3% of GDP to the national economy, write

A new scandal in Apele Române: money was transferred to the institution at the expense of profitable companies. Following the scandals over political appointments and other accusations of corruption, the Romanian National Water Administration (ANAR) is currently accused by Fondul Proprietatea of ​​wanting to impose an unjustified tax on water, the purpose of which appears to be the simple transfer of money from Hidroeléctrica. , the most profitable company in the Romanian state, in an institution that uses half of the money thus collected only for the payment of employees’ salaries, write

In Eastern Europe, it is difficult for a central bank to remain independent, especially when the government takes out cheap loans. Adam Glapinski, governor of Poland’s central bank, said he wanted to buy at least 100 tons of gold in the next few years to demonstrate the country’s economic strength. The Czech Prime Minister is pressuring the central bank to lower credit prices, in Hungary the governor of the national bank was Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s right-hand man in his executive, and in Poland the head of the central bank is an ally of him. ruling party. In Eastern Europe, the dividing line between politics and central bank independence is very thin. This may explain monetary policy decisions that traditional financial doctrine considers risky for the economy in the long run. But economic crises also tend to become less traditional, and cooperation between the government and the central bank is essential. The Czech Republic is the most mature economy in Eastern Europe. There, Prime Minister Andrej Babis, considered a populist politician, called on the central bank to keep credit prices low and provide some of the state’s profits to help finance the economic recovery. The comments sent down the Czech currency, the krone, and investors cut their bets on two rounds of a policy interest rate hike by the central bank this year. write ZF

How pensions are calculated and how they relate to the median salary. The evolution of the pension point in the last 20 years. The elements underlying the establishment of pension rights are found in the calculation bulletin, a document that can be requested from the pension house within the radius of residence, according to the data provided by the National House of Public Pensions (CNPP). According to them, the amount of the pension is determined by multiplying the average annual score achieved by the insured by the value of one pension point. „The average annual score achieved by the insured is determined by dividing the number of points resulting from the sum of the insured’s annual scores by the number of years corresponding to the entire contribution period. The number of points obtained in each month is added, and dividing by 12 results the annual score of the insured is obtained in that year. The monthly score is calculated by reporting the gross income or, where appropriate, the insured monthly income, which served as the basis for the calculation of the social security contribution, on the average gross income for that month, reported by the National Institute of Statistics. “, according to CNPP, cited by

The paradox of the banknotes. A study published by the European Central Bank (ECB) shows the so-called paradox of the banknote. This is a phenomenon that has been observed in recent years with respect to euro banknotes. They have a growing demand, but a decreasing use. What is the explanation? The ECB’s analysis provides an answer to the reported paradox, namely that the demand for banknotes has increased because they are hoarded. Both euro area and non-euro area citizens save money. In this way, part of the money does not end up in circulation.

The report shows that in the pandemic, the value of banknotes in circulation increased. Thus, at the end of 2020, the value of the banknotes was around 1,435 million euros, 11% more than the previous year. An unusual evolution, if we take into account that in the last 10 years the growth averaged only 5%. The only time the increase in the money supply in circulation was greater than last year was in the months following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. write RFI.
Romania, in second place in the EU in fertility rate, but with a downward trend in the number of children. Romania ranks a surprising second among EU countries in fertility rate, an indicator that shows the average number of live births per woman, according to data published by Eurostat for 2019. With a level of 1.77, we are after France (1.86) but over the Czech Republic, Ireland and Sweden (1.71), closely followed by Denmark (1.70). For reference, we note that the lowest fertility rates were found in Malta (1.14 births per woman), Spain (1.23), Italy (1.27), Cyprus (1.33), Greece and Luxembourg (1 ,3. 4). The concentration in the southern part of the continent and the adjacent effects on economic development should be suggestive, write

I rejected Marx’s work after studying it with pencil in hand.. I rejected Marx’s work after studying it with pencil in hand. For the Romanian economists who criticize Hayek, I want to raise the following issue: the criticism must be made after making sure that you understand the author. To do this, it is first necessary to read Hayek’s work. With pencil in hand, as many times until you understand. There are great people who have failed to fully understand Hayek’s monetary theory, which is a business cycle theory. For example, Milton Friedman, who was a supporter of the macroeconomic research methodology promoted by Keynes, says that “I have a great admirer of Hayek, but I think his book on capital theory [The Pure Theory of Capital (1941)] it is unreadable. On the other hand, The Road to Serfdom (1944) is one of the great books of our time ”. Evidently, Friedman, who did not accept methodological individualism, could not understand Hayek’s theory of capital and was wrong in saying that “Prices and Production” is a faulty conceptual book (Ebenstein, 2001, p. 81, by Roger Garrison in Hayek and Friedman: Head to Head), writes Lucian Croitoru in

Project: Doctors from COVID-19 hospitals will be able to benefit from intervention housing. Doctors from COVID-19 hospitals will be eligible for an intervention home, located near the hospitals where they operate, according to a legislative proposal registered Tuesday in the Senate. The bill will amend the housing law to allow physicians caring for COVID-19 patients to use an intervention home. Thus, first-line doctors and nurses, whose presence is required almost permanently or in an emergency, will be able to benefit from this type of housing, which will be located in the vicinity of the hospital where they work. Through this approach, medical personnel involved in the fight against the pandemic will be able to get to the hospital much faster, avoiding the traffic that can often be a real problem, especially in large cities. type

Who will visit Romania in summer? Solutions for Romanian tourism. “Romania, a destination for 365 days of vacation a year” is the message on the website of the Ministry of Economy, in the category “tourism”. “Romanian tourism is collapsing”, say, however, in 2021, employers in the countryside. Visit The recent meeting in Bucharest of the Greek Minister of Tourism, Haris Theoharis, has most likely delighted Romanians who want to spend their holidays in Greece. To open its borders very soon, in mid-April, before the Easter holidays, on the basis of a “green certificate”, write Free Europe.
