Budescu lost and has to pay $ 725,000. Has one more hope of escaping


  • Media: Football Club, Tuesday, 17:30, Digi Sport 1

  • Media: Digi Sport Special, Tuesday, 19:45, Digi Sport 1

Budescu lost the dispute in FIFA At the end of November and four months later, the Appeals Commission of the world forum confirmed the first decision and Budescu is well paid.

Budescu also lost in Apel and has to pay $ 725,000 to Al Shabab

great question mark It is if Astra is also forced to pay part of the money, because in general the clubs that transfer a player in the situation in which Budi was in 2019, consider themselves in solidarity in the event of an unfavorable decision.

Budescu also has the option to address the TAS, the last sports court that can make a decision in your case. You have 45 days to take this step, according to GSP.ro.

In July 2018, Budescu switched from FCSB to Al Shabab for 2.5 million euros, and in August 2019 he signed with Astra, after unilaterally terminating his agreement with the Saudis, although he had initially signed for 3 years.

The 31-year-old attacking midfielder had a huge salary at Al Shabab, 1.8 million euros per season. Before leaving, the Arabs took into account the $ 725,000 annual bonus they now claim.

Astra claims that Budescu has assumed in the contract that the dispute with Al Shabab concerns him

According to Astra, in the contract signed upon his return to Astra, Budescu would have a clause according to which it is his responsibility if Al Shabab wins. Now when he left Giurgiu again, Bogdan Mara spoke about this situation: “There is another dispute. The moment we take him to Astra, we take a chance on him, but there is a clause in the contract that he is liable if his former team goes to court and wins a lawsuit.

So we just want these things to be respected, nothing more“Bogdan Mara said after the midfielder left Astra.

But, in theory, there is also the option for Budescu to leave football before paying the damage decided by FIFA and then Astra would be executed. So the club can go against Budescu, in civilian clothes. If you no longer play soccer.

Tags: Constantin budescu , to the shabab , astra budescu , budescu litigation
