Bucharest restaurants could close again, after the explosion of Covid-19 cases


Bucharest is the city with the highest number of coronavirus outbreaks: 38. And it is very close to the threshold of infections per thousand inhabitants, which can lead to the restriction of events in closed spaces, restaurants or cinemas.

Unfortunately, it can get there quickly, because many residents of the capital forgot to follow the sanitary rules in crowded places.

In official centralizations the situation is serious. Very little of that is seen on the street. The pandemic seems like a memory, the protective mask has been forgotten by many. In tram stations, in public transportation or in markets, we count on our fingers who really respect the rules of distance. Some wear the mask superficially, others don’t even have it. Explanations can be found.

In the South Plaza, the same situation. Vendors keep their masks on their chin, hanging from one ear or not. In the entire market, by the way, if we find 2-3 people to adequately protect themselves and thus protect others. Those who attract your attention are immediately put on the wall.

Perhaps that is why Bucharest had a negative history of illnesses: 405 in one day. On Thursday we added another 301, and the threshold of 1.5 diseases per thousand inhabitants is approaching.

As of 1.5, culture, entertainment and restaurants close again.

Now there are 1.3 cases per thousand inhabitants, and the main cause of the spread of the virus is weddings and baptisms, the rulers believe.

Ludovic Orban, Prime Minister: “In those localities where the percentage that is set at 1.5% is exceeded, the decision will be taken to restrict the activity for a period until the percentage drops below 1.5%.”

The situation is also getting worse in schools. At school 36 in the Capital, 10 students, 2 teachers and a caregiver suffer from coronavirus. All the children are from the same class where the 2 teachers teach. The school was closed after the first cases appeared on September 19.

The serious thing is that when a student is positively fooled, his classmates are only evaluated for symptoms. This despite the fact that, most of the time, the little ones are asymptomatic.

Journalist: In a two-room apartment with the mother, father, child and child comes from a class where a colleague with Covid-19 was found, what should parents do with the child sent home, knowing that he has a colleague found positive?
Ludovic Orban: To protect himself.
Journalist: Semen?
Ludovic Orban: How to protect anyone from physical contact. Do not come into contact with the child, close.

Until we understand that there are people behind the numbers, not much will change. So there are no 6,449 cases registered in Bucharest in just one month, there are so many people waiting to pass this test, from home or from a hospital bed. And there are so many that it could fill the entire Palace Hall and there would still be 2,000 people left outside.
