Bucharest prepares for restrictions. The decision will be made tonight


I say Photos / Octav Ganea

An STB bus displays the message

On Tuesday night, the Bucharest Emergency Situations Committee will decide the measures to be applied in the Capital, as a consequence of the substantial increase in the number of COVID-19 infections.

TO UPDATE: The Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations of Bucharest meets on Tuesday in a meeting to discuss measures in implementation of Monday’s decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, the spokesman for the Institution of the Prefect – Municipality of Bucharest told AGERPRES, Mariana Stancu-Ţipişcă.

He specified that the meeting will take place, starting at 5.30 pm, at the headquarters of the Institution of the Prefect – Bucharest.

Health Minister Nelu Tataru said Tuesday that Bucharest residents should not be surprised if the authorities will again impose restrictions on the capital, due to the large number of diseases with Covid-19.

There are no restrictions that we have imposed on ourselves now, there are restrictions that we knew from the beginning. That index that exceeds 1.5 closes restaurants, closes cinemas, closes theaters, and there will be a period in which we adapt private events. Depending on the evolution. “- warned the minister.

DSP Bucharest wants to re-impose some restrictions, after the cumulative rate of diseases, per 100,000 inhabitants, in 14 days, in Bucharest reached 1.86.

These proposals will be discussed at today’s meeting of the Committee on Emergency Situations of the Municipality of Bucharest.

The DSP calls for the closure of restaurants and cafes that operate indoors, a ban on religious processions in open spaces, and a ban on parking near places of worship.

DSP also asks Bucharest Emergency Situations to intensify control actions in public transport, markets and fairs. The mask should be mandatory within 100 meters of schools. Family events, such as weddings and baptisms, can take place up to 50 people, respecting social distance.

According to the weekly surveillance report based on data reported until October 4, in the week of September 28 to October 4, 36.8% of all cases were registered in Bucharest, Iaşi, Bacău, Neamţ and Cluj.

Likewise, 30.4% of all deaths caused by the new coronavirus were registered in Bucharest, Prahova, Sibiu, Bacău and Caraş Severin.
