Brexit: Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen do not reach any agreement in post-Brexit negotiations – International


The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, has not reached any agreement with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, in the negotiations on bilateral relations post-Brexit.

“We had an active and interesting discussion about the status of the major issues list. We clearly understood each other’s positions. The positions remain at a great distance from each other. We decided that our teams should meet immediately to try to solve these essential issues “. to a decision at the end of this week ”, announces Ursula von der Leyen, according to a statement published on the European Commission website after the meeting she had with Boris Johnson on Wednesday night in Brussels.

Government sources in London have confirmed that Boris Johnson’s meeting with Ursula von der Leyen was unsuccessful. “There has been a frank discussion about the important obstacles that remain in the negotiations and it is not yet clear whether they can be overcome. There are still very big differences,” a Downing Street official said on condition of anonymity, according to Sky News. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen have arranged for the negotiating teams to continue talks in the coming days. Boris Johnson “does not want to leave no path to a possible agreement untested,” the quoted official said.

“A firm decision on the future of the negotiations will be made on Sunday,” the BBC told another British government official.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has repeatedly said that he does not want to extend the post-Brexit transition, which runs until December 31.

Before meeting Ursula von der Leyen, Boris Johnson said he expected concessions from the European Union in negotiations on post-Brexit relations. Boris Johnson insisted in the House of Commons that Britain could not accept the rules imposed by the European Union. “I don’t think these are terms that the prime minister of any country can accept,” Boris Johnson said, emphasizing that a “good deal” can be reached if the European Union does not impose additional conditions.

Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, who currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union, said that Brussels was prepared for the scenario of the expiration of the post-Brexit transition without a deal if the United Kingdom does not agree to maintain the standards of the EU. “There is still a chance of a deal. I don’t think we know tomorrow whether we will succeed or not, at least I can’t promise, but we will keep working,” Angela Merkel told the lower house of parliament on Wednesday. Germany. Angela Merkel stressed that the European Union is ready for the failure of the negotiations. “We are also prepared, if we cannot accept British conditions, to go down a path of non-agreement. One thing is clear: it must be possible to guarantee the integrity of the single market,” Angela Merkel said.

The Berlin leader highlighted the importance of guaranteeing equal standards for companies in the European Union and the United Kingdom. “Now we are starting from a similar and harmonized legal system, but in a few years the judicial systems will develop separately in terms of environmental, labor and health policies. (…) We need equal standards, not only for now, but also for the future (…) ”, stressed Angela Merkel.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted Tuesday that negotiations with the European Union on post-Brexit relations could be concluded without an agreement, although both sides will make efforts until the last minute. When asked if the negotiations would continue until the last minute, Boris Johnson said: “Of course.” “We are always confident, but there may come a time when we admit that it is time to close the negotiations and that it is. We will prosper a lot anyway and if we get to a model like the Australian, it is still good.” Boris Johnson said. Australia does not have a trade agreement with the European Union, so trade is conducted under the rules of the World Trade Organization.

The British Government is negotiating with the European Union the configuration of post-Brexit relations, in the context in which the transition period expires on January 1, 2021.

France’s representative to the European Commission, Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton, recently warned that there would be no post-Brexit deal if Britain did not accept EU rules. “I understand very well that our British friends want to benefit from the Community market. If the British accept these rules, they will be welcome. If they do not accept them, there will be no agreement,” said Thierry Breton.

The United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union on February 1. In the post-Brexit transition period, which runs until December 31, 2020, the UK will continue to apply European Union regulations. Prime Minister Boris Johnson hopes to complete negotiations on future bilateral relations by December 31, 2020. EU leaders have repeatedly told him that time is short. Brussels has warned the London government that it will have to comply with social, labor and environmental standards to reach a free trade agreement with the European Union. Downing Street wants conditions similar to those granted by the European Union to Canada, South Korea and Japan, but EU officials have pointed out that the situation is different in terms of standards, in the context of the geographic proximity between the European Union and United Kingdom.

(source: Mediafax)
