Brex. London, ready to defend its fishing grounds militarily in case of breach of the agreement with the EU


Four Royal Navy patrol vessels will be ready from 1 January to protect fisheries in British waters in the event of a “no deal” – a failure of negotiations between London and Brussels on post-Brexit trade relations, writes the posting on Friday. The Guardian, quoted by Reuters.

Those vessels will have the right to stop, control and seize any EU fishing vessel entering the UK’s exclusive economic zone, which can extend up to a distance of 320 kilometers from shore, writes Agerpres.

Fisheries is one of the main issues on which the UK and the EU cannot agree to negotiate a post-Brexit deal. While the business community is concerned about a possible “no deal”, the British fishing industry has warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson to keep his main promise to leave the EU, that the UK will “regain control”. The British representatives of this sector are against the maintenance of the access of the European fishermen to the British waters, urged by the countries of the EU concerned.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
