Brex. Britain begins a new era after the “divorce” of the European Union took effect today


A new era has begun for the United Kingdom, after its secession process from the European Union officially ended with the entry of the new year 2021. The United Kingdom has stopped applying the community regulations of December 31 from 23 : 00 GMT (January 1, 0:00 Brussels time, and 1:00 Romanian time, no).

This is when the UK de facto ends the transition period that continued after London officially left the community bloc on January 31, 2020. Relations between the two separate entities are now governed by travel, trade, immigration and cooperation. in the field of security, which entered into force on January 1, 2021.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson welcomed the UK’s exit from the European single market, calling it “an incredible moment” and ensuring that his country will be “open, generous and outward-looking.”

“We have freedom in our hands and it is up to us to make the most of it,” Boris Johnson said in his New Year’s speech.

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the UK remains “a friend and an ally,” the BBC reports.

The UK thus leaves a tumultuous relationship with the European project, which lasted 48 years, and is now moving towards the uncertain future of Brexit, which will influence the destinies of the British people for generations to come, Reuters writes in a comment cited by Agerpres.

The British government has warned that supply disruptions could occur in the coming days, even weeks, until the new mechanisms governing trade relations with the European bloc begin to bear fruit. However, officials assured that the new customs system is ready to operate, as there are fears of malfunctions, especially in ports.

Under the new trade agreement reached by the EU and London in the last hundred meters, on Christmas Eve, British producers will have free access to the EU internal market, which means that there will be no taxes on imports of goods between the UK and the continent. It is a series of acts that are required of companies and individuals traveling to EU countries and vice versa.

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What is changing in EU-UK relations?

The free movement of citizens between the UK and the EU ceases and is replaced in the UK by a points-based immigration system. Any UK citizen who wants to stay in the EU for more than 90 days in a six-month period will need a visa and vice versa.

British citizens returning from the EU will be able to bring up to 42 liters of beer, 18 liters of wine, four liters of liquor and 200 cigarettes duty free.

EU citizens wishing to move to the UK (excluding those from Ireland) will be subject to the same scoring system as any other foreign national.

British police no longer have immediate access to the EU database of criminal records, fingerprints and wanted persons.

Traders in England, Scotland and Wales will need to complete a series of documents when doing business with EU countries.

British companies exporting goods to Europe will need to have customs declarations.

Controls on goods entering the UK from the mainland will be phased in over a six-month period, until July 2021, although some new customs procedures on imports of alcohol, tobacco, chemicals and medicines have already entered into force. .

Another important consequence of Brexit is that the CJEU, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, will no longer have jurisdiction to resolve disputes between the UK and the EU.

Little by little, the UK will be able to reduce its fishing quotas in EU waters.

Unlike the rest of the UK, Northern Ireland will continue to comply with many of the EU rules as its border with the EU member Republic of Ireland will remain open. UK online retailers will not be required to make customs declarations when shipping packages to customers in Northern Ireland.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
