BREAKING NEWS! The names of the ministers proposed by the three ruling coalition parties.


BREAKING NEWS! The three parties of the center-right coalition, which will form the new government, have already started discussions in internal forums to specify the proposals of the portfolios they obtained in the Executive, after the negotiations in Vila Lac.

From the information published by Stiripesurse, it appears that for most of the portfolios a name for a future minister or a short list has already been reached.

Political analyst Cristian Pirvulescu said that at the time of the last round of negotiations “nervousness had worn off, positions had been established” and “each of the parties has finally achieved its objectives.”

The political analyst affirms that the majority formed after these negotiations “is a majority of four years, because there is no alternative.”

“I am not sure if this government will exist for four years, it will depend on many variables, first of the internal situation of each party, then of the internal and international situation of Romania – recovery from the crisis, success or failure of vaccination, all these things will have implications for governance. The governance formula can change, but the majority can resist, “he said.

Regarding the division of the ministries between the three formations, Pîrvulescu appreciates that “the PNL took over the royal ministries.”

“It is true that in some of them there will probably be ministers who work well with President Iohannis, those who have already been, I mean Defense and Foreign Affairs. The important ministries remain with the NLP, “said Pârvulescu.


Defense – Nicolae Ciuca

Foreigner – Bogdan Aurescu

Finance – Lucian Heiuș / Ionel Dancă / Iulian Huțucă

Intern – Marcel Vela / Rareș Bogdan / Laurențiu Leoreanu

Education – Monica Anisie / Sorin Cîmpeanu / Raluca Turcan

Energy – Virgil Popescu

Agriculture – Adrian Oros

Culture – Bogdan Gheorghiu

Work – Violeta Alexandru / Robert Sighiartău / Emil Dumitru

Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament: Nini Săpunaru

The PNL will also have the Secretary General of the Government and could receive the rank of minister

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Justice – Stelian Ion (USR) / Ramona Strugariu (PLUS) / Dragoș Tudorache (PLUS)

Transportation – Cătălin Drulă (USR)

Health – Vlad Voiculescu (PLUS)

Economy, entrepreneurship and SMEs – Claudiu Năsui (USR)

Research, innovation and digitization – Ciprian Teleman (PLUS)

EU funds: Cristian Ghinea (PLUS) / Dan Barna (USR)


Dezvoltare – Attila Cseke

Medium – Tanczos Barna

Sports: no information yet

Also read: Vasile Dâncu, after the announcement about the government with 18 ministries: “They extended the ciolan. Initially it was 15 cm, now it measures 18 cm “
