Breaking news | Romania Party


The Norwegian Football Federation is awaiting a final decision on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and has postponed the takeoff of the flight to Bucharest, although officials are aware of the consequences.

The Romania – Norway match is scheduled for Sunday at the National Arena.

“I asked the team not to leave Norway until further notice. There are different interpretations of the current legislation. If we don’t travel, we are violating UEFA rules.

We lose the opportunity to win the group in the League of Nations and reach a group of superior value that would benefit us in the draw for the preliminaries of the World Championship.

There will also be financial repercussions, and UEFA will not welcome the fact that we are the first not to appear in a match.“It was the reaction of Terje Svendsen, president of the Oslo federation.

FRF details on the Romania – Norway match

The FRF also confirmed the problems that arose with regard to the Norwegian team’s trip to Bucharest.

“The Norwegian delegation was due to take off today for Romania and will land this afternoon in Bucharest.

However, the national authorities of the Nordic country have decided not to allow players and staff to leave the country, in the context of the situation influenced by the COVID pandemic in the Norwegian group, the Oslo federation announced.

Their flight was canceled today, the delegation remains in the country and awaits a new assessment of the situation by the authorities, also being in permanent contact with UEFA.

In these conditions, the press conference and the official training of Norway, scheduled today, at the National Arena in Bucharest, are canceled.“, It is shown in a statement from FRF.
