Breaking news. Planetary earthquake! Who are the giants that endanger democracy


Extensive research on the United States focused on several giant companies. Congress investigated the work of Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook, and the commissioners who handled this case drew conclusions after working for 16 months.

These entities, which are titans in the online world, have a monopoly on power in many key business areas and have abused their dominant position in a market where they have no rivals. The conclusions could lead in the near future to the design of a legislative framework through which these companies, which form the so-called Big Tech, have a somewhat more restricted freedom of movement and monopoly.

The report prepared by the members of the Commission for the Defense of Competition that is part of the Judicial Committee of the House of Representatives comprises no less than 450 pages. One of the accusations against the tech giants is that their monopoly has prevented the creation of other innovations in those areas.

The competition has no chance

“Consumers had limited options due to monopoly and democracy weakened,” according to CNN reporters. More than 1 million documents were seized from Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook, academics were interviewed, and many leaders of rival Big Tech companies were interviewed.

Researchers have warned that there is a risk that these actors endanger democracy and its principles. “These companies have too much power, and this power must be restricted and subject to proper supervision and enforcement. Our economy and democracy are at stake,” the report says.

Among the measures to be taken are the reduction of the dominance of the companies, but also the “structural separation”. Companies like Amazon should not compete on the same platform that they operate. There was also talk of providing new tools and funding to antitrust law enforcement agencies.
