BREAK – Prosecutors Charge Suceava County Hospital Management For 28 Deaths – Source News


Prosecutors from the Suceava Court Prosecutor’s Office decided to change the legal classification in the case of the former management of the Suceava County Hospital in relation to the crime of frustrating the fight against diseases, considering that the failure to comply with the measures against the pandemic led to the death of 28 patients and another three.

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The prosecutor attached to the Suceava Court sent, on Friday, through a press release, that the prosecutors

Order a change in the legal framework of one of the crimes charged to the four people investigated for the crimes of abuse of office, failure to adopt occupational health and safety measures, and failure to combat the disease,

“After the change of legal classification, each of the four suspects was accused of committing a crime of thwarting the fight against the disease, previous art. 352 para. 2 and para. 5 of the Penal Code, consisting of the fact of that in the period between January 2020 and 23.03 – 02.04.2020, the members of the steering committee of the Suceava County Hospital who had responsibilities in the field of health care, respectively manager, medical director, health director and coordinator of the Department for the prevention of infections associated with health care, did not comply with the measures ordered at the central level to prevent and limit the spread of the infection by SARS-CoV-2 (according to its responsibilities) ”, said the assigned Prosecutor’s Office to the Court of Suceava.

The cited source mentions that by not complying with the measures, the COVID-19 infection spread within the hospital and then also outside the medical unit.

“Failure to comply with all these measures led to the spread of the COVID-19 infection within the Suceava County Hospital, which became a source of COVID-19 infection and the main vector for the spread of this infection outside the hospital, in Suceava and in the county, and the direct consequence of the spread of the COVID-19 infection, as a consequence of non-compliance with the measures, was the bodily injury of three certain patients, as well as the death of another 28 patients ”, should be specified in the statement.

Currently, the case is being investigated by prosecutors from the Public Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Suceava Court together with police officers from the structures of the Ministry of the Interior. Investigations continue in order to clarify all the factual circumstances and establish criminal responsibility.

In the previous statement from the Public Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Suceava Court, it was specified about the crime of frustrating the fight against diseases that, in the case of the four, the failure to comply with the measures caused the death of one person.
