BOTTLE PROTEST. We have a VIDEO, with the lawyer Chitic, who had “disappeared”. He returned angry to the stage: It was FORBIDDEN!


After giving his anti-mask speech, attorney Dan Chitic nervously returned to the stage to tell what had happened to him.

“I come before you again to draw your attention to one thing. A little earlier, I broadcast LIVE on Facebook since the protest. That filming was not just that. painBut Facebook also banned me because I was inciting hatred! ”Said attorney Dan Chitic.

“Huooooo! It’s not true!” The crowd reacted.

Advocate exhortation: DO NOT keep your distance

The lawyer continued: “What I’m telling you now is that we need to reinvent direct communication. I mean all the mass transmission media: televisions, radios that are against us or Facebook that prohibits any type of transmission on issues related to freedom and dignity. We have an obligation not to maintain our social distance! Stay in contact. Talk face to face! Stand face to face. Each with each. Leave social media and become a real society that speaks directly, face to face. Together we will win: freedom! “

Here is the first part of Dan Chitic’s speech on the University Square stage:
