BOTTLE PROTEST. The BEST WEAPON was discovered in the Plaza de la Universidad. “TOP SECRET”: What will happen to the thousands of people present / photo + video


When I arrived, I received a photo of a girl, with a mask under her nose, crying. In fact, it is the image that people wanted to get excited about. Of course, we do not know why the girl in the photo was crying, but we do know that many children cry on the first day of school and cling tightly to their parents, something they have been doing since the time when the coronavirus was absent. That is how children have been from the world and on earth. I cry on the first day of school, especially in first grade.

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I arrived at the University Square when the lawyer Diana Iovanovici-Șoșoacă was giving a speech on stage. The leader of the protests appeared to be yelling. I leave you with some of her statements so that you can get an idea of what has been said:

Who forbade us to demonstrate? A secretary of state, not even a prime minister! Arafat resigns!

We are the only opposition, we, the people here!

Arafat, God forbid you to know me! Take Iohannis, Anisie, Orban, Tătaru and get out of Romania!

What is happening is an assassination attempt on the Romanian people. Down with the Government!

Iliescu, you are the greatest tyrant of all time. You started the mess, you bastard, and you got us to the point where we have no country!

We no longer have people, we no longer have children! This is the main culprit and traitor. We have reached Iohannis, Romania’s greatest traitor today!

All the games you’ve known for 30 years, wipe them off the face of the earth! Now our children are killing us because we no longer have opposition!

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It was the moment when the world screamed: “all parties, the same mess.”

The lawyer’s speech ended immediately after she set fire to a protective mask. People chanted her name for a few minutes and the lawyer began to cry. It was the most appreciated moment of the show. Frantic moment anyway.

Then Răzvan Constantinescu took the stage. In fact, he was the only doctor who gave a speech. The gastroenterologist, who at one point had volunteered to be infected with the “virus of life,” also gave a speech from which we reproduce some ideas:

Let’s leave our children alone! The tests and reports are aberrations. They have nothing to do with medicine and science.

Children do not get sick. Does not exist. They are asymptomatic.

Asymptomatic patients do not transmit the disease. If I am infected now, I cannot give you the disease.

Never in history could it be stopped with quarantine and a mask.

We care about the country and God.

Then followed Cristian Filip, president of the Romanian Parents Alliance. For a few minutes he thanked those present who came to share a state of freedom there.

It was a girl’s turn: Ramona Mihaela from Piatra Neamț. “My mother went to the director to ask him not to wear a mask. I went to English class and the teacher, more scared by this virus, told me to put on a mask. I told her that my mother applied and then started teaching the class. She didn’t say anything else. Then she told me that if I didn’t wear a mask, she would kick me out of English class. “.

Here the crowd chimed in with a big “huoooo! It’s his fault! “

“The lady told me that if I didn’t wear a mask, she would move me to a bank where there was no one! No one, no one, no one,” added the girl.

There were other students, around 10 years old, who were shouting on stage: “Down with Iohannis!”, “Down with communism!”

Then followed Professor Florin Palas who shouted “Down with the government!” and he gave some “almost medical” lessons on how the mask makes us sick. “It is a continuation of the Pitesti experiment. We can no longer tolerate such a thing! Down with communism!” “Arafat and Rafila do not understand anything,” said Palas, commenting on the ineffectiveness of the mask as if he understood everything.

“Fools can be more easily fooled. Down with the Government!”, concluded Palas.

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“Famous lawyer Dan Chitic” he continued. Let’s look at some ideas from the speech:

Good evening, beautiful people from the Romanian camp run by Klaus Werner Iohannis.

Here was a pause of “huoooo”, when someone anti-muzzle shouted: “Satanist! In prison! Mu # s”

Let’s continue from Chitic:

My dear ones, they are wonderful! Here, 31 years ago, he died for freedom and dignity. Now we have to do the same: defend freedom at the cost of our lives.

They took away our freedom to talk to God in his home. Down with the dictatorship! We can’t share! Down with the muzzle! The mask is just a masquerade. A submission tool.

At Chitic’s insistence with her muzzle down, a woman ran to me to take it off. Although I escaped. Anyway, I was the only one with a mask. See the phase here.

It was the most radical speech. I also understand the woman who had approached me so nervously. When you are somehow urged to hate the mask, of course you start to face people who wear paper hanging from their ears.

Later, attorney Dan Chitic was upset that a video posted on Facebook was removed from his social network. I have a perplexity: when he said that we must defend our freedom at the cost of our lives, he was referring to the fact that the University Square had become a possible outbreak of Covid-19 and who can escape? Not the other way around, but no matter how much it was shouted there, the particles were jumping in all directions. I’m just asking. And when I think that there were children there who go to school on Monday … But I don’t think, that they think when they cry at the hospital doors. Well … we already have the first child with COVID-19 admitted to Intensive Care. And this in the conditions in which the child did not get sick at school, this in the conditions in which the schools were closed when the little one was infected.

“Acknowledge. I fought for Arafat many years ago. I acknowledge and regret the fact! Arafat doomed!”, finished the lawyer full of passion.

Pompiliu Diplan, “a fighter against the health dictatorship,” said, referring to the mask: “Genocide! The history of the masks is a ritual to turn the mosquito into a stallion.” Pompilius boasted that he had “this cold.” “My mother also drank after me and had nothing,” said the star of the protest. “Don’t let me hear you startle because you have a fever!” Pompiliu said.

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A fifth grader followed who complained that due to the mask, she had miscalculated first grade. “In fact, I missed several first-class calculations, even though I’m fifth. I can’t concentrate. I was going to choke on a mask! The lady came to argue about why I took it off! Down with the mask! I want to tell you that the holy cross is the best weapon“Said the girl who bowed and then left the stage.

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It is true that, at the protest, many had large wooden crosses in their hands. At one point, looking to the right, I came face to face with the Virgin Mary. A woman carried an icon 50 centimeters tall.

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Then another fighter followed on stage yelling that there are 6,000 people in the square. Afterward, he changed his mind and said, “I guarantee we are 7000, but we are more forgiving and we let ourselves go!” In fact, there were about 3,000 people.

“The mask makes our brain sick!A woman yelled.

I don’t know who else took the stage, but the day concluded about what will happen to the thousands of people present …: “Let’s be happy that no one here has a mask. I’ll tell you a secret: although the University Square is full of thousands of people, no Covid-19 outbreak will be discovered here.”

God was invoked I don’t know how many times. We are the garden of the Mother of God! God is with us! Pompiliu Diplan yelled. The whole assembly followed him: “God is with us!”

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I saw many people kissing and hugging. I saw people singing side by side. I saw children brought by their parents yelling “Down with communism, down with Iohannis!” Children going back to school on Monday after being among so many people. I saw people coughing along with the children. Now let’s see how we get out of this … the words of the protesters:

“We either win or we die!” We will see in a few days how much the number of infections will increase and then we will see if we win or die in Intensive Care. Of course, if we find more places.
