Boris Johnson announces school closings and a total lockdown for England


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Monday night that all of England will be closed and schools will be closed due to the worrying balance of the coronavirus epidemic. This new “lockdown” is as strict as that of spring, since the beginning of the pandemic. People will be able to leave their homes for good reasons only – nonessential shops, theaters, cinemas, gyms, hair salons, bars and schools will close until at least the middle of next month.

Given the alarming numbers, it is clear that more needs to be done to control the rapidly spreading new variant of the coronavirus and to help carry out the vaccination campaign, Boris Johnson justified why a national “lockdown” is needed. .

The government is asking people to stay home and go out only for well-founded reasons: essential shopping, going to work, if they cannot do it from home, physical activity, medical needs, and most importantly, to get rid of violence. domestic.

“With almost the entire country under severe restrictions, it is clear that we need to do more together to control this new strain as we vaccinate.” In England we will enter the national quarantine, which is strict enough to control this strain. This means that the government is telling you to stay home again. You can leave home only for some reasons stipulated by law, such as essential shopping, going to work if you cannot work from home, playing sports, for medical purposes, such as a COVID test or to get rid of domestic abuse, “said Boris. Johnson.

Why are schools closing

As of Tuesday, elementary and middle schools are moving online. However, vulnerable children and those whose parents work in key areas will be able to attend school. Under these conditions, Boris Johnson said, it would not be “right” for all exams to take place this summer as scheduled.

He said he realizes what it means to close schools for parents and children, but the problem is that schools are now “unsafe” for students, although children still do not appear to be seriously affected by the new virus. But schools can be “transmission vectors” of the virus to those who live at home, explained Boris Johnson.

He also announced that in mid-February, “if things go well”, the four priority groups established for vaccination will have already received the first dose (nursing home, all people over 70 years old, all medical personnel). and welfare workers).

Hospitals overwhelmed by the number of COVID patients

Scotland will also enter a new lockdown from midnight to the end of January. Scotland’s Chief Executive Officer Nicola Sturgeon announced the move on Monday as the new Covid-19 strain spreads uncontrollably across the UK and pressure on the UK healthcare system mounts.

The UK has recorded 58,784 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, a new record for daily infections, according to data released Monday by the London Ministry of Health. There were also 407 new deaths associated with COVID-19, bringing the total number of people killed from the disease in the UK since the start of the pandemic to 75,431.

In England, from Christmas until now, the number of hospitalized COVID patients has risen by 50 percent and specialists are expecting an even greater increase.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
