Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen consider that the probability of an agreement is very low


The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, conveyed this Friday to the leaders of the member states of the European Union, meeting in Brussels, that the probability of an agreement on future trade relations with the United Kingdom is very small.

The EU executive director spoke about Brexit in less than 10 minutes on the second day of the EU summit, according to Reuters.

“The situation is difficult. The main obstacles remain,” a spus Ursula von der Leyen.

“The probability of a ‘no deal’ is greater than an agreement. We will see on Sunday if an agreement is possible, ” she added.

The European Commission, which is negotiating on behalf of the EU with the United Kingdom, issued on Thursday emergency measures on fishing and transport by road and air that will apply from 1 January 2021 if no agreement is reached with London later this year.

“The purpose of these emergency measures”, which only covers sectors that would be “disproportionately affected by a” no agreement “, is to cover the period in which there is no agreement in force. If no agreement enters into force, (the emergency measures) will end after a certain period, ” explained the community executive.

The UK, which officially left the European Union on January 31, 2020, will leave the single market and the EU customs union on December 31. In the absence of an agreement to protect around € 1 billion a year from tariffs and quotas, the future EU-London trade relationship will only have to be governed by the rules of the World Trade Organization.

Boris Johnson Says Trade Negotiations With The EU Most Likely Will Not Reach An Agreement

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that trade negotiations with the European Union are highly likely to fail and that the UK would leave the EU bloc at the end of the year without a deal, Reuters reports.

“I have to tell you that as I see it now, it seems very likely that we will have to find a solution that I think will be great for the UK. We will be able to do exactly what we want in January. Obviously it will be different than what we set out to achieve. “, he told the press.

“But I have no doubt that this country can be prepared and will come out in terms of the World Trade Organization.” Johnson added.

He said negotiations had stalled on fishing and the clause that would keep Britain bound by EU rules.

“We are always optimistic and, as you know, the negotiations are continuing. Our team is still in Brussels.” also declared the British Prime Minister.

“If there is going to be a good offer, a big change in his position, then I have to say that I still need to see it.”, A completed the.
