Border agitation in a state of emergency – Thousands of people have left the country in the last 24 hours – News from sources


More than 19,000 people, Romanian citizens and foreigners, have crossed the borders in the last 24 hours. There were 11,000 people at the exit, writes Mediafax.

In the last 24 hours, approximately 19,400 people, Romanian and foreign citizens and more than 12,100 means of transport have passed through the border points.

In the direction of entry there were approximately 8,400 people with 5,300 means of transport, and in the direction of exit 11,000 people with 6,800 means of transport.

During the same period, on the border with Hungary, approximately 11,300 people and 6,700 means of transport showed up for control procedures, of which about 4,300 people with 2,200 means of transport were on their way to the country.

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Border procedures require a longer processing time due to the fact that, in addition to the specific control when entering the country, the representatives of the Public Health Directorate take care of people to complete the declaration under their own responsibility and carry out the epidemiological control.

After completing the formalities and establishing the measures ordered by the medical personnel on site, the police teams and gendarmes take over the cars to take them to the places established for quarantine or self-isolation.

In the areas of competition, the crossing points and the “green border”, the border police found 31 illegal acts (11 crimes and 20 contraventions) committed by Romanian citizens and foreigners. The undeclared goods (which were to be illegally entered into the country) were discovered, independently or in collaboration with other institutions, that they exceeded the permitted customs limit or suspected of being counterfeited, for a total value of approximately 1,600 lei.

The value of the applied fines for contravention amounts to more than 18,000 lei.

He was not allowed to enter the country for 4 foreign citizens, who did not meet the conditions established by law, and he was also not allowed to leave 4 Romanian citizens for various legal reasons.
