BOMB REPORT, at the request of WHO and World Bank: World leaders have disorganized the world and refused to take anti-COVID-19 measures – News from the sources


Explosive report made after the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) convened the International Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB). The collective failure of political leaders to heed the warnings and prepare for the coronavirus epidemic has turned an ‘endangered world’ into a ‘messy world,’ the GPMB report quoted by Reuters on Monday said.

The GPMB concluded that “it cannot be said that the world has not had the opportunity to take these measures (…) There have been numerous calls to action (…) in the last decade, but none have made the necessary changes “.

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Former WHO Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland, who chairs the GPMB, also runs a monitoring organization independent of the World Health Organization.

The GPMB’s 2019 report, released a few months before the outbreak in China, stated that there was a real danger of a “ rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen ” and warned that such an event would kill millions and cause the chaos in the world economy.

This year’s report, titled ‘A World in Disarray’, shows that world leaders have never been ‘so clearly warned in advance about the dangers of a devastating pandemic’ but have failed to take the necessary action. The COVID-19 epidemic has highlighted “a collective failure to take pandemic prevention, preparedness and response seriously and to prioritize accordingly.”

“Pathogens thrive on riots and disorders. COVID-19 has proven it, ” said the latest GPMB report, noting that the call a year ago was approved for heads of government to get involved, fund preparations for the pandemic, strengthen health systems and plan for financial risks. It has been overlooked and insufficient progress has been made in any of the respective directions of action. The lack of direction exacerbates the current epidemic, and “if the lessons of COVID-19 are not learned and the necessary resources and commitment are not followed, the next pandemic, which will surely come, will be even more devastating,” the authors warn.
