Bomb in the file on Dragnea’s visit to the United States. He was accused!


The case related to Dragnea’s visit to the United States was opened after the former PSD president participated in the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump as president of the United States. In photos that appeared public at the time, the former PSD leader appeared in the frame with Sorin Grindeanu and Donald Trump.

According to Realitatea Plus, Mihălcescu was heard as an undercover witness.

Elliott Broidy is the one who invited, as Vice Chairman of the Investment Committee of the President of the United States, PSD leader Liviu Dragnea and former Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu to the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump, starting in January 2017.

Subsequently, prosecutors opened an investigation against Elliot Broidy, who was accused of using his influence to strengthen business relationships with foreign leaders.

Cinema and Elliott Broidy

It’s worth noting that Elliott Broidy, the former Trump ally who raised funds for the 2016 campaign, was officially indicted in the United States for violating the law of lobbying on behalf of a foreign client.

Prosecutors accuse him of using his political influence to aid the interests of China and Malaysia, according to the New York Times.

Thus, Broidy allegedly accepted $ 6 million from a foreign client to pressure US administration officials to close a federal investigation into the grand theft of Malaysia Development Berhad.

After it was said that he paid up to a million euros to be present, Dragnea submitted an invitation based on which he could participate. The invitation was signed by the then Vice Chairman of the Inauguration Committee, Elliott Broidy, who said that it would be a “pleasure” for him to invite the Romanian politician as a guest to this event.

Then, according to the New York Times, Broidy’s security company, Circinus, opened a branch in Romania and tried to obtain contracts with the Government of Bucharest, in this regard having meetings with Romanian officials, including the then Minister of Defense. , Mihai Fifor.

His presence among Trump’s relatives has long been questioned, as in 2009 he pleaded guilty in a case in which he was charged with bribery and posted a $ 48 million bond to avoid jail time.

We remind you that in this case he was also heard by the anti-corruption prosecutors and George Maior, former head of the SRI and current Romanian ambassador to the United States, as a witness, in September last year.
