Boil show business! He can’t after the last fight. Is Brigitte getting divorced?


Brigitte Sfăt posted a message on her Facebook page where she did not deny the incident of the beating.

“My dear friends, because all the media are full of reactions after a video in which Florin took me from the right of my car, I can tell you that this incident happened, but a while ago, immediately afterwards I was harassed by the individual who he insistently sent messages and curses “, wrote Brigitte Tip.

After the last fight, Brigitte seems ready to end the marriage.

According to Cancan sources, after the violent episode that occurred in a supermarket parking lot, Brigitte confessed to her relatives. Brigitte reportedly asked her friends to help her with a lawyer, because she seems very determined to end her relationship with Florin Pastramă.

“The waters are extremely rough in his family. Brigitte can’t get over this event. She asked us for help, looking for a lawyer. You certainly want to file for divorce. It is not the only violent event she has been involved in. “revealed a person from his entourage.

Brigitte was attacked by Florin Pastramă in a supermarket parking lot in Bucharest

Witnesses also said that the two spouses later waited for a police team to tell them what had happened. Some experts believe that Brigitte will not file a complaint against her husband. In fact, the controversial character was contacted by phone by a Romania TV reporter but refused to comment on the assault he committed.

Florin Pastramă was filmed while being violent with Brigitte Sfăt, in the parking lot of a supermarket in Bucharest. He threw his wife to the ground, stopped her from getting up and yelled: “Why don’t you calm down right?”

The two said the conflict was based on the fact that she criticized the way she was driving the car.

“What happened? That’s when you love yourself too much, all things start with driving. I don’t like it to go too fast, I comment every time I drive, when I park on my back I do it.

I was going to hit a car and it bothered me that I was going to hit the car and I just fixed it and didn’t want to hit it again, I just did it and it got upset and that’s what happened. “ Brigitte Pastrama said.

Two months ago a similar incident occurred. Then Florin Pastramă beat Brigitte Sfăt in their shaormeria, which they opened in the Colentina neighborhood of Bucharest. And then Brigitte Pastramă threw herself to the ground, trying to defend herself from the blows.
