BLOW for pandemic lottery players. NLP and the great digitization


A pandemic year is drawing to a close and NLP is taking another blow.

It’s been 10 months since Romania struggled with Covid-19, but not just Covid-19, but also … digitization. In the context of more and more online activities, people can buy many things on the Internet, lottery tickets cannot be bought in this way. Sebastian-Iacob Moga, general manager of the National Company “Loteria Română” SA, member of PNL, boasted in September that the digitization of the Romanian Lottery begins, but stopped talking. He did not say when the trial would actually begin. He stopped to sign a contract.

About three months ago, he announced that “September 15, 2020 will continue to be an important day in the history of the Romanian lottery. The signing of the contract with the Romanian Digitization Authority enshrines the collaboration we have had since April. Creating your own computer platform for selling lottery games online is a necessary and natural process, and players have waited for its realization for many years. Digitization is an important step for the development and modernization of the Romanian lottery. I am pleased that this achievement is materializing in my tenure and I owe the success of the entire team to him. All the steps we took were supported, from the first moment, by the Board of Directors, by the General Meeting of Shareholders and, of course, by Mr. Virgil-Daniel Popescu, Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment. Together we fulfill the promise we made to the players of the Romanian Lottery, whom we thank for their trust and we dedicate, like the entire Romanian society, the 114 years of activity “.

So far nothing has happened. People still have to go to the agencies to buy tickets. It remains to be seen when they will be available for purchase online. It’s good after the pandemic … but it would be more useful from now on.

Sebastian Iacob Moga has been a member of NLP since 1996

He has been a member of the National Liberal Party since 1996. He held the position of member of the Permanent Municipal Office of the PNL – Cluj Napoca and the position of Vice President of the Provincial Permanent Office of the National Liberal Youth Cluj. Before running, for the first time, the Romanian Lottery, in 2005, he ran his family’s furniture production company starting in 1998.
