Bill Gates’s prophecy of the post-pandemic era. How we will change our habits


The American billionaire Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, estimated, in a conference organized by the New York Times publication, that people will fundamentally change their behavior in the future. He said that people’s new travel and work habits will be decisively influenced by the new coronavirus, even when the pandemic is over and there is no danger.

“My prediction would be that more than 50% of business trips and 30% of office days will disappear,” the Microsoft founder said at a conference in the New York Times.

In other words, going further, Bill Gates appreciated that there will be a “very high threshold” for business travel, as working from home has become much more feasible.

“We are going to go to the office to some extent, we are going to do some business trips, but a lot less,” said Bill Gates.

Airlines receive fewer requests

The billionaire said that, during this pandemic period, he himself greatly simplified his work hours and abandoned most trips for work reasons. The Bill Gates Foundation is working during this period to provide an effective vaccine against the new coronavirus for social groups in need.

In fact, the fact that entrepreneurs are less interested in business travel is already seen in the analysis of requests to airlines. According to data provided by airlines, the pandemic has drastically reduced the demand for travel, especially business travel, which in the past was the most profitable. These accounted for half of US airline revenue, but only 30% of the number, according to Airlines for America.

