Bill Gates, THE TRUTH about COVID-19. Everyone suspected that


Bill Gates announces that we will have six Covid-19 vaccines on the market by the spring. The American billionaire claims that, however, one must be careful about a certain aspect when they are distributed en masse, writes Ziarul Financiar.

Bill Gates announces six vaccines against Covid-19

Bill Gates told the Singapore FinTech Festival that he estimates that in the first quarter of next year we will have around six approved vaccines. At the moment, the serum developed by the Americans from Pfizer and BioNTech from Germany has started receiving approvals, and the UK has already started the vaccination campaign for the population.

The billionaire also estimates that the vaccines developed by Moderna, AstraZeneca, Jhonson & Jhonson but also Novavax, have a very high probability of obtaining authorization in the coming months.

The UK has become the first country in the world to grant an emergency authorization for the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, following last week’s decision. Distribution of this vaccine began this week. The US Food and Drug Administration also decided to vote on the authorization in two days.

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Bill Gates wanted to congratulate those who chose to regulate the approval of the vaccine as soon as possible and start the procedure for vaccinating the population, but he also comes with a warning about the problems that will arise later.

“Western regulators are doing a very good job. They ran this process very professionally in three phases, tracked side effects and tracked efficacy. We need to make sure that we do the distribution fairly and that a man’s fortune it will not decide whether or not to be vaccinated first, ”he told the Singapore FinTech Festival.
