Big surprise about Lidl. You found out right now and it comes directly from the employees.


Lidl stood out through advanced expansion and all Romanians were interested in what happens to employees, what salaries they have, and how much the retailer can spend as well. We now have figures on these changes.

The big surprise for 2019 is that Lidl and Profi lead the ranking of companies with the most employees. Profi had almost 2,700 new hires last year and Lidl Discount almost 2,000 new hires in 2019.

The ranking of these companies is completed by SSG Select Solutions, an Ilfov company, with protection and surveillance activities, with 1,189 employees hired in 2019.

The companies that hired the most people last year come from various fields of activity, from commerce to protection and surveillance, telecommunications, healthcare to the manufacture of inorganic chemicals.

The presence of retailer Profi as the leader and German retailer Lidl in second place in this ranking clearly shows that companies in the sector continued to be the ones that generated the most jobs in the economy last year, he notes. ZF. The biggest surprise is that the seventh place is Amazon Development Center, which employed 867 people in 2019. And Fod Romania employed 840 people.

Lidl employees also record the highest performance

A recent analysis took into account Romanian stores, such as Lidl, Mega Image or Kaufland, and what is the production per employee. When it comes to Lidl and Kaufland, they are part of the same network, but they easily manage to rank first in this top.

According to the analysis, nine of the ten players in modern commerce made their business more efficient in the past year. This means that the average turnover per employee has increased, but the only exception is Lidl. However, this chain of stores, together with Metro, is the only one that records sales per employee of more than 1 million lei.
