Big scandal at the funeral of Salam’s brother. What risks the family of the manelista?


Florin Salam’s family is risking a criminal case for thwarting the disease, because they did not take the sealed casket with her brother’s body directly to the cemetery.

The body of Nelu Stoian, Florin Salam’s brother, was taken by the family from the morgue of the “Matei Balş” Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Bucharest on Saturday, and the sealed casket was kept by the family, according to

However, the surveillance ritual for deaths from coronavirus is prohibited by the Order that approves the Specific Management Protocol in case of death of patients infected with the new coronavirus.

Because of this, on Sunday, the police settled in Florin Salam’s home and asked relatives to take the dead to the grave, because the order signed by the Ministry of Health, mentioned above, stipulates that the burial or burial of a person who died of coronavirus will be Do it “as soon as possible”, and the writing will be closed, being prohibited any action to open it.

Thus, members of Nelu Stoian’s family risk criminal prosecution for thwarting the fight against the disease, because they did not take the sealed casket directly to the cemetery.

Nelu Stoian’s wife said that she is not interested in this and that they can put her in prison, she still wants to watch over him, according to information from Playtech.

Betty Stoian, Florin Salam’s daughter and the manelista’s wife, Roxana Dobre, were also present at the vigil. It seems that while everyone close to her is devastated by the tragedy, Florin Salam’s life partner took over responsibility and took over much of the funeral planning tasks. Dressed in black, he was photographed with various people close to Nelu Stoian throughout his life.

Florin Salam’s brother, Nelu Stoian, died infected with COVID-19

The doctors of “Matei Balş” could do nothing to resuscitate the mannelista’s brother. His health was extremely serious from the beginning.

Florin Salam’s brother arrived at the hospital in August, and from a simple cold he began to feel worse and worse. After the symptoms, he was tested for coronavirus and the result was positive.
