Bianca Dragusanu came to the hospital urgently …


The news that Bianca Dragusanu is pregnant took everyone by surprise, especially since she broke the news in the second trimester, and confessed that she suffered for not talking about the fact that she will be a mother because, due to medical conditions, she was at high risk abortion, writes

Also read Bianca Dragusanu, problems in the seventh month of pregnancy.

Extremely excited, she and Victor Slav have already prepared the girl’s room, which Sofia will baptize. The star will become a mother in September and, as usual, she began to feel increasingly tired. However, she has the same hectic schedule and spends most of her time in her tailoring shop.

Fell in a moment of neglect

The other day, due to fatigue, Bianca Dragusanu had a moment of inattention, which could have had serious consequences. Specifically, he fell over and shot a healthy scare. To make sure her baby was safe, the blonde went to the doctor immediately and calmed down only when she discovered that everything was under control.

Also read Bianca Dragusanu went to verify. What news did the doctors give you?

However, the gynecologist advised him to shorten his work hours and spend more time at home, resting: “I hope that time will pass as soon as possible, because I really want to see my baby. I am excited. These seven months were quite difficult for me, but I’m glad I managed to overcome all the obstacles. I’m sorry, I can’t rest now. What to do, I can’t abandon my projects, because I worked hard for them, “said Bianca Drăguşanu.
