Bianca Dragusanu and Alex Bodi are KO! The paparazzi caught them. Great shame


The paparazzi caught the two fickle even when they were arguing on the street. If it was only that …

The footage shows an acquaintance of Alex Bodi abruptly hitting Bianca Dragusanu, who had previously been shaken by her boyfriend.

At one point, in a fit of rage, the businessman strangles Bianca Dragusanu without taking into account that someone might see him …

Which happened, while the paparazzi were on stage and recorded the very tense moments between the two lovers, who lost the series of reconciliations and separations.

We remind you that Bianca Drăgușanu and Alex Bodi recently reconciled again, when they decided to give their relationship another chance, although the man raised some claims.

The violent scenes were captured in front of a luxury restaurant in the Capital, inside which another scandal would have been consumed, but only verbally.

And just when the blonde who became known for the first time in the program “Out of Love” (Antena 1) had decided to return with him after announcing the break.

On September 1, after exactly two years of relationship, Bianca Drăguşanu announced that she was breaking up with the businessman.

At that moment, Bodi calmly received the bad news and only had words of praise for his ex-wife.

It is not clear now if he really felt that way or took into account the confidentiality clause of up to 10,000 euros, which ties the two together.

Going back to the latest scandal, it seems that Alex Bodi caught Bianca in that restaurant even while he was having fun with his entourage.

Annoyed by this disobedience, Bodi pulled her out, followed by the aforementioned scenes.

However, according to Alex Bodi’s first reaction, Bianca Drăguşanu would not have been touched even with a flower …

“We don’t fight. It’s not about violence. We love each other very much and that’s what we’re passionate about,” said Alex Bodi.

According to, the terrible couple from the Romanian show business claims that it was all “a game and denies any kind of image”.
