Bianca Dobroiu was cured of Covid-19 after 74 days. His case surprised doctors in Italy


Bianca Dobroiu, who in February became one of the first people infected with coronavirus in Bologna, managed to get rid of the disease after 74 days of torment, writes La Repubblica.

The 22-year-old works in the fashion industry and was allegedly infected during an event in Milan in late February. She has been in quarantine since then until the end of last week.

Bianca says the first thing she did after getting rid of the virus was go to the park for sports.

“A unique emotion, it does not seem faithful to me, it was a very long day, I think I did not analyze my room much … The doctor woke me up yesterday morning: Are you happy? You are negative! I jumped out of bed.” It was a nightmare, those who did not live in their own skin cannot understand. “It was a nightmare, those who did not experience in their own skin cannot understand,” he said.

The young woman did not do 11 tests: 2 were negative, 2 uncertain and all the others positive. This situation of Bianca Dobroiu became a case study for doctors.

“As far as we know, it is a registry. Now we need to understand why it has been positive for so long. We are working on hypotheses and analyzing the positivity that we could define in the long term. There are eight positive patients in eight weeks.” says the infectious disease specialist at Sant’Orsola Hospital, Luciano Attard.

The first specific symptoms of Covid-19 appeared on February 27: high fever, over 40 degrees, dry cough, muscle aches, and headaches. Bianca was later hospitalized, where she remained for almost a week.

“I was hospitalized for six days, then I was discharged because the fever had dropped without exceeding 37-37.2 degrees. Since then, they continued to do my tampon tests, until now five in total. Four came out negative and one came out unfinished. I did the last test on April 16, I think the next one will be later this month, “he told

“I have been fine since March 10 or 12. I have not known what to do lately. I train a little, I read, I watch TV series, but it is a very difficult situation,” he added.
